Chapter 9

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Seeing the king put me off, the rather entertaining conversation with the Marquess. I quickly excused myself to hurry down a random hallway. Claiming I was late to a Latin lesson.

The hallways of the palace seemed to go on forever, but soon after some turns and stops, I was led back to my family's chambers. Pushing the door gently I was met with my parents conversing over tea and scones. "Ahh, my daughter. I trust your night was successful?" Mother asked.

"Yes, I do believe it was" I replied taking a seat beside my father.

"Did he ask for you again?" He asked.

"Yes, tonight" I explained, getting used to talking about the king and I. A small part of my brain still tought about how he should be digusted in me, instead I see him grinning with pride.

"Ahh, we will win his favor in no time" father smiled before shipping some tea.

"I hope your morning was pleasant, father?" I asked.

"He was in a jolly good mood this morning, but after showing his Spanish guests around the castle was not" he explained referring to the king. I noted down how father had become so dependant on his role here, that his life seemed almost irrelevant in his day-to-day rythem.

I bit my tongue. He was happy and upset because if me. The thought warmed my heart, that he seemed so invested in this.

After spending time with my parents, I took off back to the king's library to return the book I borrowed and select a new one. I steered clear of the red book and selected one better suited for a lady. The weather had been forgiving today, and so I joined the other ladies under the shade of a tent. "Good afternoon" I bow greeting them all.

"The mysterious Lady Elenore I presume?"

I nod with a small smile. Not quite knowing what to say to that.

"Then you must take a seat" I smiled politetly and took the seat I at the side of the tent and began to read, "so lady Elenore, what is your reason to be at court?" The same woman in the extravagant pink frock and brunette curls asked.

"My father is a hand to the king" I answer politely.

She lets of a string of giggles before quickly adding "No, no. Why are you here? To find a husband I presume?"

I don't know what to answer but for the first time my brother is my knight in armour. "Excuse me ladies but I must escort my sister back inside for urgent matters"

"You will join us soon I hope Lady Elenore" the brunette said.

"Of course Lady Georgia" I smile before following my brother.

"Thank you" I whispered as we were far enough away.

"The king requests an audience with you in his library" he added.

"Oh" I sighed before nodding " thank you brother" I nod before turning away.

"Oh, and Elenore, if you ever need an ear, I'll lend you mine. I know I was insurable when we arrived, and I'm sorry" he smiled. My heart warmed, feeling proud to have my brother back.I nodded hesitantly before walking towards the library.

The king was leaning on the window cill staring out over his vast gardens. His coats were layerd over the seat next to me, leaving him with the thin shirt and messy hair, that looked bad if he had spent hours running his fingers though.

"James?" I announced softly causing him to quickly turn to look at me. "You requested me" I bow quickly feeling very conflicted.

"Yes, I did." He said approaching me. "I wanted to discuss your behaviour to me today" he added.

"Of course," I whispered "might I sit down?" I asked.

"Please" he nodded before taking a seat in front of me. I could cut the tension with a knife. My heart was drumming against my ribs.

"Look at me Elenore" he announced. My eyes shot up to meet his. "I do not like you spending time with men," he stated quickly " I am a jealous man and suggest you don't test me "I nod slowly. I feel so confused right now. My emotions are jumping around my mind. I feel tears welling up, I try one last glance at the king, to say something, anything. But no words come out.

More tears well up, I don't want him to see me like this, like a hysterical girl. Getting to my feet I dash out, down the corridor and out back into the garden. I am running. I feel my slippers slip off my feet causing my bare feet to meet with the soft ground. I run into the tress and towards the lake. My feet aching from the rough ground. My knees give way, at the bank of the river.

A murky reflection meets my gaze, and only then do I allow myself to wake to the sounds of distant calls of my name. I find myself panting for air, and so unbutton my dress frantically and loosen the corset ties. Finally, I find my breath. "Elenore!" The king shouts.

"Do you know how much of a scene you just made. How this can taint the reputation I have spent so long making?" He asks.

"Elenore!" Another voice calls "are you alright" it my brother I feel him crunch down near me. I shake my head. Tears still freely falling. I feel him tilt my body to his, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I know you're going through so much, but you are my strong sister. Crying never helped did it?" He asked softly.

This is the brother I remember, Taking a few deep breaths. "You may go, I can handle the situation from here" he king demands. My brother nods and stands up. I hear the cracking if twigs mark his exit.

"Why did you run?" He asked.

"You ask too much of me, my lord" I whisper. "You expect too much of me" I add. I never wanted any of this. The nights of passion, were just that and nothing more. My hopelessly romantic heart craved to be loved and not lusted.

"How so?" He asks

"How do I respond to people asking me about why I am at court?" I ask. "How do I respond when they ask if I have come to wed?" I ask again. "I cannot say that I am unwed, despite being so. As that would lead men to believe I am of interest to them, yet I cannot say I am wed because then they will ask to see my groom, to prey tell what I should respond to that question?" I ask in a bitter yell.

"Can't you say your engaged?" He asks.

"I would love to meet your future husband" I respond as if someone else were to reply to my statement.

"He is occupied in the army?"

"Which britalian? My uncle is a general" I add looking at him again.

"I see your predogamnet" he adds, I nod.

"I don't know how to act now" I add. "Before, it was easy, I would talk to anyone and everyone. I was looking for a husband and don't was easy" I add. "But now I am not to speak to men, or women who ask far too many questions, which entitles me to a life of lonelyness" my eyes search the water. I hadn't realised how alone I felt. At home I had my friends and family, I had the doctor and the cooks. I was never alone.

"So you blame me?" He asks.

"No, I..." and yet I couldn't answer,because in the pits of my stomach I knew that I did blame him. I blamed him formaking me fall in love with him    

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