Chapter 29

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The black dress glared back at me. As I looked at my reflection. I was to wear black for at least 3 months to mourn my husband's death. Three months wearing black to show how much I miss him, and my broken heart. Yet I feel neither. I am free and my own for the first time in my life. And yet despite the happiness I felt I couldn't show it.

I was to meet with Luke's family, they all are mad and upset with the king's decision. They felt angry for me as to them, killing Luke left me alone and with his child. I wrapped the black shall tighter to my shoulders as I walked down the hallway to their chambers.

"Elenore dear, how are you feeling today?" Luke's mother replied today.

"I'm better, somehow I know that Luke would want me happy. He would want me to be healthy for the little one" I smile softly, I had become better liar.

"You are such a strong woman. But your right. Luke would want us all to be happy" she sighed. Her face was pale and sickly looking. With darkness under her full eyes. "Have you decided on a name?" She asked.

"Luke and I talked about it. But I haven't given it much thought" I lie. Looking down at my swollen belly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Broken, I can't help but see the execution in my eyes everywhere I blink. I just don't understand why the king killed him? Did James say anything to you?" She pleaded.

"He just said something about Luke relaying private information to the Spanish and threatening them. He said he had evidence and there was nothing I could do about it" I explain. It felt wrong to lie about this, she had to know.

"That doesn't seem like Luke. It doesn't seem like something he would do" she mumbled softly.

"I don't know. I fell as if it was all my fault. When we were courting Luke always was so nice and humble. Then after we got married something changed. I-I don't understand what I did wrong, but the last time I spoke to Luke we were fighting. I... I'm so sorry" I looked down, but then I realised everything almost in that instant a pile of bricks fell on her shoulders in realisation. Tears rolled down my cheeks from guilt, this I couldn't lie about.

Luke knew I was the king's mistresses, even before I told him. He also must have known the feelings James had for me, which is why he was in pursuit of me. He must have known that marring me would hurt James. He must have known when we played that game in front of the king.

He knew, and he acted like the man he knew I wanted. When we married, he didn't need to keep up his facade. James' warnings. He warned me against Luke. But what would Luke want from James to go that far to get what he wanted.

"Excuse me" I swallow standing up and racing down the hall. What did Luke want?

I went straight to my Chambers and paced trying to think of a clue.

"Elenore, what are you doing in my office?" Luke's voice boomed as I closed the desk drawer.

"I was cleaning up. I wanted to surprise you with a neat office" I replied. I wanted him to be proud of me, and maybe show some of his old happiness again. These days he was always grumpy and secretive.

"Thank you, darling, but don't ever go through my draws again? Understood? He asked. I nodded quickly before moving out of his room.

I raced into his office, thankful that the maids hadn't touched his desk yet. I pulled open his drawers and read through the papers. A red envelope caught my sight.

I opened it and read the words that shocked me.

Dear Marquess,

My daughter is on her way to England as promised per our agreement. On her ship I have sent two troops of my men, which you will need to escort into the palace in two moons. From within we can take over and as our agreement, England will fall, and you will reign as the rightful leader of this new Spanish Provence. Best,
Juan II

I gasped softly. Two Moons. That could be anytime between tomorrow night to a week from now. Gripping the latter tightly I hurried to the King's offices. The guards In front of the door blocked it on her arrival.

"You can't enter miss, only the King and his advisors are privy to this room" his deep voice demanded.

"Well if you would like to keep your head, I would advise you to inform the King that Elenore wishes to see him urgently." I smile.

"Can't do miss" he grumbled again.

"James!" I yelled "James!" I yelled again preying he would hear me "James" I yelled again moving back from the guards who were approaching me, they grabbed my arms and I couched onto the letter tighter "James!" I tried again louder. There was no way he wouldn't hear me now.

"Shut it you!" The guard reached over and covered my mouth as the other held tightly to my arms.

Yelling for James didn't work as the yells came out as muffles. The door opened and to my rescue was an annoyed looking king.

"Let her go" he ordered. They let go of me and I approached him in relief.

"I found this in Luke's drawers. It's urgent. I apologise for the disturbance, but I thought you might want to see this." I handed him the letter that he read quickly.

"It's from the Spanish king?" He sighed looking at the red envelope.

I nodded "I believe so. It had the crest on the envelope scale and everything. James the next full moon is tomorrow night. I don't know how long ago this message was sent but." I didn't even need to finish.

"Thank you my dear" he kissed my head before storming into his rooms the doors closing behind the last thing I heard was James yelling "This means war!"    

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