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Part 1

I let out a soft moan, as soft kisses were pressed behind my ear. "No, let me sleep" I moaned out again Bending my neck to stop the kisses.

"But I need you love" the soft voice whispered, warm breath flanking over my ear. As if to make his point he pressed his groin against my side.

"Elenore" James whispered. "My love, my wife, my queen" he moaned.

"James, we talked about this. You don't get any pleasures of our marriage until you apologise for what you did at my brother's wedding." I lecture sitting up creating more distance between us.

"I won't apologise when it wasn't my fault" he pouts sitting up. "Elenore it's been weeks" he sighed sadly

"I'm not going to open my legs every time you moan and groan. Apologise to me and to my brother and sister in law. Then you get what you want"

"But their honeymoon won't end until another month. You are going to kill me by then"

"Well, you should have considered that by then my darling King." I grinned hopping up and sliding on my morning gown.

"Elenore! Where are you going?" He complained still in bed.

"To get dressed. My brother is returning today" I grin. Just happy to see the happy couple return. My husband would be happy as well.

There wedding had been so beautiful. Both so simple and elegantly dressed, and the decorations reflected them as well. Lily was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen. I remember helping her with her hair as she beamed and shone like the sun from excitement. There could not have been a better-paired couple in the whole kingdom.

George became more kind-hearted and embraced Lily's heart, I could tell that my brother couldn't wait to have children of his own. As they were pronounced man and wife, neither could take their eyes off each other. The whole small wedding and dinner went so well until James walked in holding a skinned rabbit and pheasant with the blood dripping. Making the kind-hearted bride faint into her husband's arms.

The say everything went badly from there was an understatement. George absolutely panicked thinking his wife had breather her last breath.

And the perfect festivities driven by the desire to become one in the eyes of the lord stopped.

Lily recovered that evening with a slight bump on the head and nausea, but the wedding had finished before anyone could even try a piece of cake. James was too confused to apologise or address the matter.

"It was a mistake!" He yelled from the other room. Bringing me out of my thoughts.

"None the less my dear you must apologise. You ruined what was meant to be the best day of their lives, what if that had happened to me on our day?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay fine!" He huffed. "But as soon as that is done, you and I have some unsorted business to attend to" he huffed hopping out of bed. What a rabbit I laughed to myself fixing my hair in the mirror glancing down at the Pearls I wore at our wedding

 Part 2

I was fully dressed and I walked into the nursery to see my baby being fed by the maid. "You are excused. I'll look after my prince today" I smiled at her. She nodded and hurried out.

"Hello, my baby" I cooked pressing a kiss onto on his head. Even below the age of one, he was growing so fast. His little head already started collecting blond hair and his eyes were wide and a deep blue.

He started babbling happily "you like your breakfast?" I giggle cleaning up his mouth.

Picking my baby up I placed him on my hip as I walked down the hallways Georges' eyes started at the paintings that lined them. He loved looking at them. "Look, Georgie, that's your grandma and grandpa" I cooed pointing at them.

He tried repeating my words but failed "that's right!" I kissed kiss cheek. We continued looking at the paintings all morning until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "You wouldn't have seen my sister, would you?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

I spun around and grinned at the sight of my big brother "George! Lily!" I smiled giving him a quick hug careful not to squish the baby. "Where. Do you arrive? I would have met you!" I smiled giving Lily a quick hug.

"We are not fancy enough to require a personal welcome from the queen little sister. How is my namesake?" George asked taking little Georgie from me.

"He's named after his grandfather, not you. And I am your sister first brother, and you require a welcome. How was the honeymoon?" I asked Lily.

"It was nice to get to spend time together without a chaperone. Your bothers probably sick of me by now" she laughed softly.

"Nonsense dear" he smiled kissing her cheek.

"No-one could tier from you, Lily. So should I be expecting little nieces and nephews soon?" I grin knowing full well their shyness around the topic.

"Ahhhh" George blushed.

I just laughed. "Give me my little prince. You guys must be exhausted from travels, but Lily dear let's have some tea. I need some sisterly advice. "I smiled taking my baby "oh I almost forgot James wanted to take to both of you about the wedding thing." I smiled to myself.

"Dada dada" a soft baby muttered, surprised I looked down to see his eyes trained on something. Georgie's first word, he was pointing at James.

"Yea my little prince there's your dada" kissed his head with a smile. At that moment, my heart was full. I had everything I had ever wanted and more.     

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