Chapter 4

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News was quick to reach the ears of my father. I could hear their excitement as they plotted and schemes their precious daughter into a royal heart. Of course, realisation hit that this was not in a novel that I would devour down in a single sitting but my life.

Silently walking past, them, I made it out of our family quarters without notice. I hadn't seen my brother since the evening. And couldn't help but feel like the ugly duckling in my family, a family full of schemers and greed. I felt left out, and glad of it.

I had heard that there was a library in the castle, I needed something to help get this fiasco out of my head.

Watering the hallways, I finally found it. A vast and we'll furnished room, the walls covered in cloth and a collection of beautiful leather spine books, each with golden engraved writing that made my heart melt. In all my years of life never had I ever seen a space this beautiful. Running my hand down the books my eyes hurriedly devoured the titles, searching for something good.

A red book took my attentions. Entitled 'furfilled desires' Picking up the book I settled into one of the cushioned seats and began to read.

'Never had I felt such wonders, never had my body tingled from crown to toe in pleasure as to when I was found panting in the sheets, filled and dripping with the seed of my lover'

I shut the book. My face as hot as the sun on a midsummers day. My palms pushed into the books, praying to never read the crude words within, yet a curiosity filled my mind. I had to understand what she meant.

What did she mean about being filled with a lover's seed? What was this bliss? Hearing footsteps I dashed to the bookshelf as quickly as able but before I could place the book back into the selves the intruder announced themselves.

"Ahh the dukes daughter, Lady Elenore you never fail to surprise me." The king's voice announces.

Tinting the books spine away from the man, I turned and smiled. "I apologise you highness, I was told I was able to use the library to my leisure"

"Needn't apologise My Lady. Say what book have you chosen?" He asked eyeing the book in my hand, with amusement.

"I have yet to choose, your library is vast" I spoke again.

"But you have a book in your hand My Lady, pray is it not to your liking? If not, I can have it taken away"

"That's unnecessary your highness. I was just in the mood for a light read, this book is far too... explicit for my taste at the moment" I explain.

"Explicit, such an odd word. Prey would you so good to read it to me?" He asked.

Panic struck through me. The king knew exactly what was in the book. Exactly what it's tick leather structure held.


"I'm afraid I command it of you" he smirks licking his lower lip.

I nod shakily before sitting down nervously. I begin to read, "'Never had I felt such wonders, never had my body tingled from crown to toe in pleasure as to when I was found panting in the sheets, filled and dripping with the seed of my lover...." I dare not look up from the book as I could feel my cheeks flare red.

"I'm afraid I can't do this your highness, excuse me" I whisper placing the book down, and scampering out of the room.

How could I manage to embarrass myself twice since I have been to the castle? I found myself back in my Chambers regretting the fact that I will be dragged out for an evening meal with the King.

I found myself picking up the book I had read on the journey, rereading it. The characters seemed almost dull and boring compared to the Redbook. Yet I perused. Eager to cleanse my sin filled mind.

"Why do you spend your days tucked in your room?" Mother asked, looking up she stood at the wide doorway.

"I am still tiered from the trip." I lie.

"Perhaps you would like to stretch your legs, come dear. Walk with me." It was not a request. I nodded, collected a shawl from my dresser and followers her out, wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Your brother mentioned that he was worried about you. Saying that you have gained some male attention here"

"Attention I do not deserve mother. I don't understand why the King takes his time out to seek me. He has an unfaithful reputation and is not looking for a bride"

"My dear did I really raise you to be so naive?" She asks.

I was unsure how to answer that. True I did not know more then what I was told, and what I had read. I didn't know anything, apart from what I had read in that red book. "The king doesn't want you for his bride. Nay, he is far too reckless to settle down with a woman. Although I do hope he does. The young King is looking for a mistress"

"A mistress, but I do not know what a mistress dose?" I state back.

"Just please the man, I'm sure he will enjoy your innocence dear. In the meanwhile, continue to converse with the King. Make his jealous by dancing with others at balls. Do what you must dear, because once the King has your favour, marry him" she smirks.

My eyes dance over the gardens of flowers as we strolled around. I noticed the King at the far side of the rose garden. "I'll do my best mama" I whisper.

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