Chapter 2

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The week past so quickly, before I could comprehend it. My gowns, books, and other items were being packed in chests. The furnished rooms of our manor were being draped and covered with white cotton cloths. And I was sitting beside my brother on our way to the kings court.

My dis-guarded novel lay closed on my lap as I took in the passing landscape, littered with trees, farms and the rare sighting of a house. "Sister, I don't ever recall you being such a quiet thing, whatever is the matter?" my brother spoke out, turning to study me.

"Brother, it should be because the last time we met was no longer than a year ago. I have little time for my old childish antics. My actions represent father when we enter court, and I wish not too taint his good name" I lie. I was upset about leaving Mr Gernard behind. But my family did not require that knowledge.

We had spent every single day hidden amount the orchids that lay on the edge of the manors grounds. I told mama that I wanted to get my last bit of air before arriving at English Court. He told his father that he was out doing his work. I can remember that last day so clearly in my mind, as it flashed before my eyes,

"When do you think you will be back?" He asked threading a blade of grass between his fingers.

"It's hard to say. You must not expect me back in any near future. I will most likely be wed to some wealthy, old, horrible man" I sigh. "I will not leave court without a suitable husband. Papa wouldn't have it." I couldn't even bare to look at him, how could I have allowed my feelings to develop for a man in such a short frame of time?

"Why the rush? You are yet ten and eight years. Your life still lay before you" he begs. He doesn't want me to marry. He did not make his feelings for me invisible. I can tell. Jealousy clouds his judgement, and suddently I am confronted with the core of the problem.

"That is the life of a woman. Promise me you will find another, think of me dead if you must. But trust me when I say that I might never return here to this place, nor to you" I can finally lift my eyes to meet his. The courage presented itself as I my heart shattered within my hollowed out chest.

His eyes fill with hatred. With sadness. With anger. With betrayal. They are storming, like the open seas through a storm. Too many unhealthy emotions ripping through him, and I can see all of it, the fact that he was able to harbour so many emotions after knowing me less that a month scares me

"I don't think I will be able to erase you from my memory. Tis impossible"

"We are these to be just friends, I told you I did not feel anything more towards you then our friendship. So, for your own sake don't be ignorant" I snap, standing up to hurry back to the manor. I lied, he didn't need to know that I felt more towards him then friendship. Nothing my governess or mother had prepared me on how to shatter a heart, and how to live with myself afterwards.

My memory fades as I hear conversation strike inside the closed space. My parents are talking this time. And I listen to their conversation. "When we arrive we will have to meet with the King, then you are able to retire in our private quarters until Supper, when the Kind himself has arranged a feast in honour of our arrival" I could see the honour cascading from his words as he spoke of court life.

"Ahh, and then we can begin to find spouses for our children. George of course will have to wed first, him being the eldest. Although if we find a suitable husband for Elenore she better we'd straight away, God knows how long her looks will be taken away" Mother adds, her eyes scanning over us as she speaks.

Her words made me feel as I was betraying Mr Gernard about not intervening into the issue of my future husband. As if I was playing a cruel game with his heartstrings.

I managed to devour the book I brought, providing it with all the attention that was currently not dancing in the fields with Mr Gernard. Almost too soon we had arrived at English Court.

Mother was briskly neatening up her hair and power as she forced me to do the same to mine. Tucking the loose blond lock behind my ear and applying a delegate amount of rose aroma to my wrists and neck.

Finally, the carriage was brought to a stop and we were let out. The way up to the palace was lined with a welcoming party, briskly my father took my mother's side and walked up the steps. My brother did the same to mine as we walked up. "I know" he whispered as we enter the doors. "Why you were so quiet on our journey" he adds once he doesn't get a reply.

We enter the throne room, I try concentrate on the decorations of the room. Of the people that litter the room. "What are you talking about George" I whisper back. Completely oblivious to my surroundings and the fact that we were approaching the King.

My heart was beating fast, panic struck. It was importer for any young woman to entertain a man alone, my reputation would be in ruin. Especially the fact that I had met up with a common village doctor's son. "I know about your disappearance acts with the doctor's son. You really ought to be more careful" he adds. My heart drops and my face gains colour of embarrassment. "Bow before the King dear sister," he snaps breaking me out of my trance. I bow quickly.

"Welcome, please Mr Westwood rise." the king addresses my father and the rest of us. Following the kings orders I look forward, only to be met with the young man on the throne. The most powerful man I have ever laid eyes on. In witch his lip twists up in a smirk as his eyes study my face and my families. When his eyes finally left my face, I whispered to my brother. "What you saw was a meeting between two friends. Do not create problems brother" I whisper my eyes pointed straight.

"Yes, it did look like friendly conversation when the man told you of his feelings. I will be watching you sister, especially now that the King hasn't been able to take his eyes off you. When the time comes, you are indebted to me for my silence" My eyes stay straight as I bow once more as the king dismisses us.

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