Chapter 7

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"You have managed to catch the Kings eye. I am proud. Now wed the man and we shall become one of the most influential families in the whole of England" Father boasted as we sat down for our morning meal. He took a large mouthful of ham into his mouth, chewing the meat in satisfaction.

I could feel my brother's smirk upon me "You managed to become a whore. Yes, I am proud" my brother grinned raising his eyebrow mockingly tucking into his own meal. I kept my eyes trained on my uneaten food.

"Wash your tongue son. Your sister was requested by the King and as his loyal subject she obliged to follow his wishes. If you were more devoted to this family, you would have found a worthy wife by now" Mother snapped. She always seemed like a calm collected woman, and an outburst like this didn't seem in character for her. Maybe she was more upset about my positioning then I originally thought. Breaking the heated family discussion was the loud opening of the wooden door that hit the side of the stone wall.

"I have a message for Lady Elenore from King James my lord" he addressed my father. I stood up to receive the message and smiled as I took the smooth parchment in my hand.

"Thank you, shall you wait for my reply?" I asked

"Of course, miss" he nods. Walking into my private room I close the door behind me. Leaning on the wood I feel my heart speed up as I unfold the paper. Knowing this much of James character only put more ideas of his letters message into my head.

Dearest Elenore,

I hope you slept well and that you are in good health this fine morning.

Tonight, I will wait for you in my Chambers. Your intoxicating beauty and wit have me under your spell and I am not sure if I can manage another night without you.

I will see you tonight my beauty.

I knew that it was bound to be time before he called upon me. Walking over to my desk I composed myself. Pulled out a parchment and ink and began to write. Somehow out of all the likely possible messages, I knew in the pit of my stomach that this would be his word.

Dear James,

I will see you tonight then.

Yours Elenore.

Before cutting the paper short and folding it. An idea popped into my head. Rushing over to my vanity desk I pulled out my most vibrant lip colour and applied it to my lips. Bringing the paper to my lips I kissed it, leaving behind the faint colour and shape of my lips. Flooding the paper I handed it to the messenger with a smile "See to it that this returns directly to the king". In that moment I realised, that finally in all seventeen years of life, father had never been this proud of any one of his children, this was my moment.

"Of course, miss" he nodded before leaving.

I stood waiting for the door to fling shut. I turned around and returned to my chair and continued eating. "What did the letter say?" Father asked. He hasn't continued to eat his food since the messenger arrived.

"The king will see me tonight" I replied looking up to study his face.

"Good. See to it that he is pleased tonight" he adds before scoffing his for down. In any other situation, Father would disown me and send me to a nunnery for conducting this sort of behaviour before a wedding. The day was uneventful, but I did manage to have a hot bath with Arabian salts and oils. My skin felt soft and smelt as if I had rolled around in a field of soft flowers.

I ate dinner in my room that night, I was told to slip on my nightgown and tie on my robe. I didn't like the feeling of wriggling in my stomach. I didn't like the fact that if I ate anything my stomach would reject it and toss it back out. "The king will see you now" Mother announced before opening the door. Will he? My Mind stated I nodded slipping on my slippers I followed the man standing by the door down the hallways.

I hadn't realised how close the king's chambers were to ours. I would have expected them to reside in their own wing. But there the door stood. The same door as the rest of the doors down the darkened hallway. A deep Brown slab of carved teak wood.

I reached out my shaking hand to knock softly on the door. Looking down I watched the bottom edge of the door swing open and out of my sight, I watched the warm yellow light tickle my toes.

"Please come in Elenore" he announced. I nodded walking into the room I finally found the strength to look up. On the far side of the room lay two wide and large windows looking over the garden. And a door to what I presume was met with a balcony. On one side there stood a large open fireplace with a neatly stacked pile of wood. Opposite the fireplace was a large bed. Unlike the beds that were set into the walls. This one was set in the middle of the room. The edges of the structure sores high with red drapes. Chairs, cupboards, shelves and paintings littered the empty walls.

Amid my observing of the room, I hadn't to noticed how close the King stood to me. His lips met with my open neck. I gasped. Unable to move due to his arms that wrapped around my waist. The king continued to press kisses to my neck bringing the kisses further and further up before grasping my earlobe between his teeth. Before running his tongue over the rim.

A gasp left my lips as my head was tilted back. My hand was gripping his face and the other the hand resting on my stomach. "Elenore" he breathed turning me around "you look absolutely stunning" he smiled. Bringing my head up his brown eyes danced with delight as I watched them connect with mine them to my lips.

So quickly and swiftly my lips were met with his. Dizziness clouded my mind as I clutched onto his shoulders pressing my needing body closer. Letting my fingers run through his soft short hair. Kicking the shoes off my feet.

I could feel cold meet my shoulders as my robe met with the floor. I could feel my fingers tugging at his shirt. Unbuttoning it I let it slide off his soft warm shoulders. "Raise your arms" he whispers. My eyes meet with his. Fear stokes my heart to stop pumping.

Slowly raise them, feeling my nightdress slip up and over me. Leaving me in nothing. I look down unable to face him now. "This is the body I dreamed of from the lake." He smiles bringing my face up, again calming my lips I feel his hands rest on the globes of my bottom as he hoists me up. My legs wrapping around his waist. "Now I will show you how your body must be treasured." He grins laying me on the bed. I watch.

Transfixed as he takes his hands untiring his breaches I watch them slide to the floor. The king stands In front of me completely naked. I can't help but feel my body ache for his touch.

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