Chapter 28

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"Elenore! Elenore! Forgive me my love forgive me!" Luke yelled from the stage where the execution block sat. The two men shoved him down into the wooden block. His eyes were blood red as he started foreword. "Elenore! Please tell me you forgive me" He yelled over the crowd of people. Dispite how bitter I felt, my eyes were filled with tears,

It was midday, and everyone who resided at the castle gathered around the execution stage. I stepped away from James and my family and walked up to Luke. "I do not accept it Luke. Besides the king requires an appoligy as well. You betrayed your king your country and your wife. And for that I do not accept it" I stepped away.

"I love you!" He yelled behind me. My eyes met with James sad eyes. I nodded at him. It was time. I watched James' fingers rise to signal the executioner. This was not something I wanted to watch. And so, when I heard the sound of a sharp slice behind me, I knew there was no turning back. My husband was dead. My eyes shut, and my heart ached. My legs broke under me as I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Elenore! The king is too cruel to kill your husband" mother greived beside me. Comforting me.

Overcoming the initial shock, I was able to calm myself and gain composure, I whispered "I am not sorry mother. For that man is not the man I married. The man I married would never disrespect the king and would never raise his hand to his wife. My husband died months ago" I explain not looking at her. I stride back into the palace and into my chambers. I needed to be alone.

Ringing the bells, I call for a maid. "Please get someone to clear up my husband's study and take his belongings to his family" the maid nodes and hurried out. I sit In front of the fire while the hustling of boxes moving.

"What is happening, sister?" My brother's conferences voice asks.

"What does it look like?"! I asked still staring at the dying fire.

"Your husband died today. Yet you do not cry"

"No, I do not" I admit. "I have cried too much already, I haven't the tears left," I add. "Please explain to Luke's family that he would want for them to have his things. I don't want them" I add. I look down at the ring on my finger. "Oh and give them this" I hand it over and feel relief spread over me.

"Elenore, you're overreacting" he lectures.

"No, I don't think I am." I turn to the maid and smile. "Thank you, please can you bring me lunch, then you may be excused"

"Of course, mam." She smiled sadly leaving.

"Elenore, I am worried about you, you're not acting as a woman should when her husband is killed"

"And how am I supposed to act George? Just because you are marrying a woman you love doesn't mean we all got that luxury" I snap. I didn't mean to be so harsh, all my emotions were jumbled up and confused.

My eyes don't leave his as he looks at me with sympathy. "What mess have you gotten yourself into Elenore?"

"I don't know George. I give my heart too quickly and easily. I was running away from my juvenile feelings when I met the king. And I was running away from those when I met Luke. When we wed he turned into a different man. I don't think I ever loved Luke."

"Oh Elle" he coos. "I should have been a better brother for you. I should have helped you and made you stronger. It's my fault".

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I just wanted my life to be like the ones in the books I read. But now I am happy I am going to love my little baby" I looked down letting the tears flow.

"The baby!" He gasped realising.

"Luke wasn't the father, James is. Mr Gernard told me that" I confess.

"What?" He hissed in shock, his eyes glancing up and down from my belly to my face. I think my brother finally realised the depths of the mess I was able to get myself into this time.

"The baby is James'. But I know that that means nothing because he will be illegitimate and have no claim into anything. But that's alright. I don't want my child to grow into a failure like their mother" my eyes look down at my unborn child. My hands rubbing the sides of my belly, almost as if to say that everything is alright. Everything will be alright.

"Elenore, you should go home. Get away from the palace. Live peacefully. Get away from all the dramas that lie here, and that will be here in the future" he smiles.

"I don't think that that will be a problem. I have learnt my lesson, and I see no point of leaving now."

"I see a point, what about the King. I know him. He I'll not stand and watch his first child suffer"

"Look George. I've had a long day, and I wish to retire now. Please show yourself out" I nod before standing up and making my way to the door.

My eyes stare at the empty bed. Tonight, I am a widow.
Tonight my husband lies dead. Tonight, I am a free woman.

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