Don't Tell Mommy

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This Imagine is dedicated to everybody that liked, commented, and read my imagines while I was on spring break...Well I still am on Spring Break but you know what a mean.....So thank you all so so much. Love ya, xoxo.


Harry POV

I held my daughters Darcy hand, as she sat in the medical chair. “Remember what I told you. It’s just going to be a little pinch.” I turned to the doctor. “Thanks for doing this on such short notice. I just don’t trust those girls at Claire’s.”

He smiled at me. “I understand.” He took the little chair next to Darcy. “Okay Darcy, now on the count of three. One. Two….”


I handed Darcy an ice cream cone, but on second thought I pulled it back. “Before, I give this to you I want you to promise me something.”

“Yes, yes,” Darcy replied. She jumped up to grab the cone, but she was to short.

“You don’t even know what you’re promising,” I chuckled.

She stopped jumping. “Otay, what am I pwomising?”

“Promise, you won’t tell Mommy.” He nodded, and I handed her the ice cream.

“But why can’t we tell Mommy?” She asked, taking another huge lick on the ice cream cone.

I kneeled down in front of her, stressing the importance that she listen to me. “Because if we tell we tell Mommy, we’ll get in big trouble. Alright?”

She nodded, smiling at me again. “That’s my girl.”  I tousled her hair, then picked her up throwing her on my shoulder. “You have to be quiet,” I whispered as we entered the house. “We don’t want Mommy to hear.”

“You don’t want Mommy to hear what?”

I froze, turning around very slowly. “Mommy,” Darcy exclaimed. She clapped her little hands together in excitement. “Me and Daddy have a secret. But I promised not to tell you.”


I shook my head to deny it, but (Y/N) had that look. You know the one that says ‘don’t you dare try to lie to me.’ (Y/N)’s eyes searched me, then she did the same with Darcy. That’s when she saw it.

“You didn’t,” She gasped. Sensing the tension, Darcy squirmed out of my arms, then ran off giggling leaving (Y/N) and I alone.

Double Shit….

As soon as Darcy was out of earshot, (Y/N) really got upset. “You got her ears pierced. Without my permission!” She yelled. It wasn’t like screaming yelling because she didn’t want Darcy to hear us fighting. This was worse. “I can’t believe you.”

I held my arms up in surrender. “It’s just—” I trying to explain, but (Y/N) cut me off.

“I don’t wanna hear it Harry, she wasn't ready yet” She growled, pushing past me. “But don’t you think this is the end of this.”

After that, she left the room. On one hand, I was grateful that I didn’t have to explain. I knew (Y/N) would grow to love the earring, but for now I’m in the doghouse. And being in the doghouse with (Y/N) is the worst.

Your POV-

I walked up to Darcy's room and once I opened the door she stopped playing with her dolls. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I sat down on her bed and I patted the seat next to me. 

"Yes mommy", Darcy asked

"you should'nt keep secrets from mommy or in your case try to keep a secret from mommy", I said

"I'm sorry, but the man had ice-cream", she said *GIF*

I laughed and I just let her go back to playing with her dolls. But Harry is in so much trouble.

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