34| Mental Health Day

Start from the beginning

His pretty blue eyes opened and he looked at me with a blank expression for about 2 minutes before stretching and smiling sleepily. "Morning Hazza, how's your foot?" He asked while mid yawn.

"Painful, but it all goes away when I look at you."

"Sap," he chuckles as he sits up and stretches for the millionth time. He gets up and disappears into the bathroom presumably to brush his teeth.

I guessed right when I heard the running water. He comes back in a minute later and starts to strip of his clothes. He changes into a pair of joggers and before he can pull on a shirt I stop him.

"What?" He asked expectantly.

"Come here," he starts to put the shirt on, "no keep the shirt off." He throws it on the end of the bed then walks up to me which I now sit up against the head board.

I set my hand on his smooth shoulder then rub it over his chest and down his stomach admiringly.

I pull him down by his arm then place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss. I teethe at his lips and explore his mouth with my tongue and he sucks the tip of it with his thin pretty lips for a moment.

"What is it that you want Harry?" He asked accusingly but in a playful tone.

"Nothing, I just really love you."

He smiled adoringly and kissed my temple then turned back around to retrieve his shirt from the end of the bed. "I love you too Hazza."

He slipped his clean shirt on then proceeded to help me out of bed so I could brush my teeth and take a proper shower. Well...bath.

I got in the tub after it had finished filling and leant against the side a Louis wet my curly hair which was getting fairly longer. He massaged a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner into my hair and worked it through the roots. When he was done he rinsed it out then used a wash cloth to rub soothingly at my back and shoulders with a vanilla scrub he had bought at the store a few weeks ago. He pressed his thumbs into my shoulders and rubbed circles into my tensed muscles.

"Relax baby, everything is fine."

I tried to do as he told but I couldn't bring myself to relax after yesterday's events. My foot was propped up on the edge of the tub and when I got out and Louis helped me dry off he proceeded to change the bandage and re wrap my injured foot. He then helped me downstairs and talked me into using crutches. He said he had some in his closet from the time he went to the beach with Liam and a couple old friends and got stung by a sea urchin. I laughed at that and patted his cute cheeks while teasing him about big bad urchins.

I liked it when we were like this. I knew school was just around the corner and I'd have to go back to being away from him again. But the thing was nothing could ever beat this.

At school it was all stressing over essays and exams and projects and trying to keep up with Perrie, Lark, and Josh AND remembering to call Louis at night. It was stressful. But here it was natural. I woke up with the love of my life.

We ate breakfast together, spent the day together or watched movies all day and ordered take out. And on good days get in a couple good blowies or kiss on his bed till one of us got tired and fell asleep.

Or on a really good day when we would have sex. But it was usually only up to Louis. I was down whenever unless it was a time like this where I was injured and unable to deal with the pain or just physically couldn't get in the position to mess around.

"So I was thinking we could rent a couple movies today and eat some mint chip!" Louis suggested as he took a bite of his famous Nutella pancake. He fork fed me a bite from his plate since I said I wasn't that hungry.

"Sounds good. As long as I get to stay with you Lou," I replied.

I knew I was being clingy and probably annoying but I had almost gotten killed yesterday and I keep imagining what it was like in a life without Louis. Having him around made me feel safe and less worried.

After Louis finished his pancakes and rinsed the dish in the sink he made two bowls of mint chip ice cream and grabbed two spoons then set it on the coffee table in the living room and came back to help me. Then we got comfortable on the couch and began a great search for a couple good movies to watch.

"What do you feel like watching darling?"

"I don't know, maybe a romantic comedy?" I suggested to Louis and looked at him with my doe eyes.

"Okay romantic comedy it is. Hm.."

After about 10 minutes of scrolling through movies we both decided on The Proposal and Louis really wanted to watch The Other Woman since it was one of his favorites. As we ate our ice cream one of Louis' hands was around my shoulders and rubbing my arm soothingly.

I was really in love with him. I couldn't imagine the state I'd be in if we ever broke up.


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