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"look mikey.." luke whispered, and michael untucked his head from luke's neck, looking out of the big window that was about a foot away from their bed.

"what?" michael asked softly, not wanting to be too loud. he could tell luke was starting to get sleepy.

"every few seconds... you can see lightening over the water." he mumbled, and looked out at their ocean view.

michael smiled when he saw a crack of lighting fly through the sky.

"it's pretty." michael said and luke nodded.

michael loves to listen to luke talk; especially when he's tired. he will just go on and on.

michael thought it was adorable.

"i think storms are pretty, too." he whispered, and michael pushed his  hand under luke's navy blue sweater.

he softly rubbed luke's stomach, and the blonde boy sighed in comfort.

"i really like the ocean, but really only when it's clearwater so i can see what's around me, you know?" luke asked softly.

"yeah i know. i would never take you to a beach that isn't clear water." michael whispered.

"you're the best, mikey."

"thanks, baby."

"i'm so sleepy, but i can't fall asleep.." luke laughed, and michael looked down at him fondly.

"well you ran around the beach for about 7 hours. i can understand why you're tired." michael said, and looked over at the clock.

it was only 5 p.m.

"but i had fun though." luke giggled. "now i just wanna sleep."

"here..." michael said, and pulled the pillow from underneath luke's head since the younger boy never sleeps with one.

"thank you, mikey." luke whispered, and michael pulled the white blankets over them.

"you need to go to sleep." michael whispered, turned luke on his back.

luke pouted, and shook his head, holding out his hands for michael like a little kid.

"poor baby.." michael laughed, picked luke up.

he sat against the headboard, and pulled luke onto his lap. luke laid his head down on michael's shoulder, and michael leaned down, softly pressing his lips to the top of luke's neck because that was as far as he could reach. he ran a hand through luke's hair to try to relax him a little bit.

he could already feel luke's body relaxing so he slowly moved, and laid luke's head at the foot of the bed. he kissed down luke's neck further, and kept slowly running his hand through luke's hair.

luke's hand fell from michael's back, onto the bed, and michael laughed a little, knowing luke was asleep.

getting luke to go to sleep was always a task. he never wanted to actually go to sleep even though he needed to. he was just like a little kid sometimes.

michael loves him and every quirky little thing about him.

he laid down beside luke, and pulled the blankets over them.

he smiled as he looked down at luke. he looks so beautiful.

michael leaned down and pressed a kiss to luke's forehead before laying down and pulling luke into him.

"i love you, beautiful."

muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now