Paul X Reader

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::Paul's Pov::

I held onto the reins of my horse. I had the day off so I thought that I would head back to a old friend's town. And it looks just as I remember it. Crumbling dirt and dry land, no sign of water anywhere. I entered the town, people walking by without even a glance. I brought the horse to the race track. Someone was riding on the track already. She had her H/C hair flying behind her as her black and white horse raced down the long track. Dirt and dust was kicked up behind the horse's hoofs. I made my horse trot to the end of the track and waited. She turned the last corner and soon stopped in front of me.

"Wow, didn't think I'd ever see you again Paul." F/N said.

"Yeah, I've been quite busy." I said. "What's going on? Are you racing?"

"Yep, there's gonna be a horse race in just a few hours from now so I really need to get her go'n." She pat her horse's neck lightly.

"Well in that case, wanna race me? I may be a little rusty but I'm still a challenge." I made my horse trot around F/N.

She laughed and nodded.

"Alright Paul, let's ride then." She kicked her horse and it went on it's back legs, then took off running. "2 laps!" She called back.

I kicked my horse and we blasted after her. We started to catch up to her in no time. Soon, we were side to side once again.

"Hey, it seems you need some fuel because you're slow'n down." I teased, slowly passing her.

She kicked the horse again and met me.

"Remember to turn speedster!" She slowed and started heading to the left.

I pulled the horse's reins and came to a stop, almost getting bucked off. She was already passed the next corner. I directed my brown horse back onto the track and started to chase her. The closer I got, the harder it was to see.

"Like the taste?! Because there's a whole load more of my dust if you wants some!" I heard F/N holler back.

We passed the finish line for the first time. I pulled my horse out from behind her and to the side. F/N glanced at me.

"Geez, you just keep coming back now don't you?" She shook her head with a smile.

"Yeah, I said I'd still be a challenge." I smiled back.

"Yeah okay." She said. "Bye."

Her horse sped up. I tried to catch up, but before I knew it, the finish line was right ahead of us. I managed to get our horses side by side once again. The finish line grew nearer and nearer with each passing second. The wind hit my face as I tried to pass her. Suddenly, we were passed the finish line. I had -----

Thank you for 40k reads! Imma start waiting every 5k now to thank you guys, alright? For Toms_Trash101. I didn't sleep at all.

 I didn't sleep at all

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Idk. It looks worse and worse the later it gets. And yes the ground is supposed to have those gaps. Plus in the last story part, it was a Blue Exorcist reference.

More To Come My Ghosties!

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