Chapter 18: Tyron's Eternal Fantasy

Start from the beginning

"Oh. Them. My Dad let their actions pass but he warned them that if they hurt you once more they will be suspended of their jobs.", she replied while putting something on the frying pan.

"As for Flugel, she's fine now. She's now resting on the Light Palace with her three cats. I was a bit jealous of her.."


Angelica blushed, "Shut up shut up shut up!"

I laughed softly, knowing that she's still the same as ever.

"I had decided to train starting tomorrow on my healing skills so that someday I would be personally healing you. Even if its one of the things I suck at.", she said.

"Oh. So the exalted Princess Angelica has a weakne-"

"One more insult and i'll cut you down.", she glared and I clapped my mouth.

"Anyway, Tyron. How are you feeling right now?", she asked as she went on slicing some garlic.

"Im completely fine. I am so sorry I made you cry earlier.."

"That's because you are a complete dork. Using up all your mana like that just to teach us the way to survive. I know you are so strong but.."

She looked at me with a worried face, "Tyron you are not immortal. Don't you use your demon form again, okay? It drains you so much of your mana as I know now that is not very easy to control at your own will."

"Yeah. I promise I won't overdo it again, Princess.", I smiled at her.

"I-Idiot. Don't smile at me like that.", she said as she continued on her work.

"Angelica, I wanted to tell you that I am so happy that I met you."

She stopped on what she was doing and looked at me with a smile, "And I am also happy that I met someone like you. Thank you so much for everything you had done for me and to the others as well. We have learned a very valuable lesson."

After a few more minutes, the meal was cooked and together we ate again like there is no tomorrow.

"Eat lots of food, Tyron. Eat and get well.", she said as she happily watched me gobbling up the food.

"Jaat goes wijawt chaying.", I said with my mouth full. I can tell that she's really enjoying the scene.

"Well, I can't possibly lose to you on eating. Bring it on, Tyron! Leave no trace of food on the table, okay?"


And so we competed against each other once again until our stomach can't take it anymore.

"Goddamnit. How can I ever beat you like that?", I said then burped. I can even barely stand.

"I told you. You can't win against me at piggy sessions. Owowow.", she said as her tummy also aches.

We looked at each other and laughed like crazy. Soon we teased one another as I washed the dishes with only one hand and the other was busy caressing my aching tummy.


After our delicious dinner, I decided to leave now.

"Thank you so much for today, Angelica. See you tomorrow.", I said as I turned for the door but she stopped me by holding my hand.

"T-Tyron..", she blushed. "I really hate to tell you this, but my Dad said that you will be staying in my room from now on. It is his orders."


"I know its embarassing, you idiot. But what can we do about it? The Dragoons have returned and occupied the remaining room on the Royal Chamber. Also, Dad said that I should never take an eye out of you from now on. You are so precious family to us."

"Family..", I remembered what Flugel said earlier about them being the family that I will leave behind if I die.

I looked at Angelica with her concerned face.

Flugel said that Angelica will be so sad if that happens. I was wondering how could that be. She acts mean to me..

But there is that undeniable fact that she is very sweet inside. She hugged me when I was about to die and she even wailed. I made her worry so much.

I couldn't help but blush and touch my fast beating heart.

"A-Angelica.. about earlier.. I am so sorry."

Then she hugged me tenderly, "It's okay. As long as you are here with me now. As long as you're alive. Nothing else matters to me. Tyron, you have to promise me that you'll always live not only for me, but for all those who are putting their faith in you."

"Why.. are you being so suddenly nice to me?", I asked.

"Isn't it obvious already?", she smiled. "I like you so much, Tyron!"

"Wait. Come again?", I was blushing to an uncontrollable level now!

"You are such a dork!", she giggled. She hugged me once more and shouted the words, "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, TYRON!"

"Angelica..", I looked at her.

At this moment my heart was taken completely with her very bright and innocent smile. It almost moved me to tears. I am so happy. I AM SO HAPPY!

"Angelica.. I love you so much.", I said.

"Tyron..", she softly said and put her hands on my face. She closed her eyes.

And on that hot moment our lips touch one another. This moment will probably be the greatest memory that I will cherish in my life for eternity..

Yes.. that's right.

Angelica will always be.. MY ETERNAL FANTASY.

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