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Impossible Body Type is now published!!! Go check it out!! It was a three to two vote lol with Kellic winning!! So go check it out and leave some comments!!!

Okay guys I need and opinion, this story is ending soon, only one or two more chapters left and as some of you may know once a story ends another begins. I've started working on one but I have a problem, I'm not sure what ship it should be about. It's originally a Cashby, but as I was working on some prewritten chapters I noticed some other ships that might work as well so I thought I would let you guys decide! That cool? Okay. So I have three possible ones that I think could fit the story. Before those though here's the description:

Impossible Body Type
Imagine waking up everyday and hating your own reflection, hating the skin you were born in. ____ deals with this on a daily basis. He's got a rocky past and brain that's a bit treacherous. He's better than he was before but he's also picking some old habits back up. ____'s not the best at letting people in but what happens when a certain boy comes along and tries to figure out what happened to the light behind his eyes?





Now you all have to choiceeeeeeeeee. Please comment on which one you think would fit best/which one you'd just like to see.

Thank you all sooo much!

Austin's POV

I held Alan close to me as I waited for him to wake up. He shifted and turned towards me looking through squinted eyes. I let out a small chuckle.
"Morning Doll." I smiled at him.
"Morning." He said softly. I ran my fingers through his hair and he leaned into the touch, enjoying it immensely. After a bit I asked the question I was desperate to know.
"Are you okay Alan?"

He seemed to think about it a moment before he shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm upset about it all if this that's what you're asking. I feel..."
"Go on baby."
"I feel like..like a disappointment. My Dad basically told me to my face everything that's ever happened was my fault," my heart broke at his words.
"Babe you're no-"
"Let me finish please." He said and sat up in the bed.

"I feel like a disappointment, but at the same time I've seemed to have a sort of revelation. Maybe some of these things that happened were my fault but that was only in my Dad's eyes. I never intentionally done anything to hurt anyone. All I've ever done is be myself." I was shocked with what he was saying but I didn't dare interrupt him anymore. "Maybe my Dad didn't agree with me wearing 'girly' clothes and maybe he didn't agree with me being gay but in the end that's only his opinion. I didn't deserve the things he said to me or the things he put me through. It's funny how last night I was crying hysterically because my Dad hates me and now I'm saying none of it matters. Because it really doesn't. I'm tired of trying to make everyone happy Aus. I want to focus on making me happy." Alan's eyes watered and I pulled him to me.

"Doll you're absolutely right. What made you finally see reason?" I asked and he clung to me.
"I have no clue it was just like it all suddenly clicked in my head."
"I'm so glad baby."
"I love you Aus." He said quietly. "And I need you to do me a favor."
"Take me shopping?"

Kellin's POV

I paced the living room back and forth waiting for Alan to come home. Austin said they had to make a few quick stops then they would be here, that was an hour ago.
"Kellin honey calm down. He's fine." My Mom said soothingly, I only shook my head.
"Mom I can't help but worry, he was gone all night and I've only heard pieces of what happened from Austin and I'm worried si-" the doorbell rang cutting me off and I nearly broke my neck getting to it.

I threw it opened and my jaw dropped. There Alan was standing on the front porch smiling like an idiot. He wearing a short black skater dress, a blue flannel, a pair of converse, and a blue flower crown. He flung his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"Alan, you...you look amazing." I said as I pulled away to take a better look at him. He spun around and giggled.
"It's cute isn't it?" I nodded and looked behind him to Austin, who was leaning against the porch rail smiling brightly at Alan.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and pulled him into the house. "Mom! Come look at Alan." I dragged him into the living room and he shyly stood in front of Mom. We both stared at her as she was quiet. It was such a relief when a big smile spread across her face and she clapped her hands together.
"Alan honey you look absolutely beautiful." She said and stood up. "I'm so glad I finally get to see the real you." I heard her try and whisper to him. He hugged her tight and said something back that I couldn't make out. Once they pulled away from their hug I turned Alan's attention towards me.
"What's with the sudden change?"

"Last night I realized a few things and this morning I had a big epiphany." He said and smiled at us all. "I just want to be happy and this is what makes me happy." I smiled bigger than I ever had before and actually screamed out. I was beyond happy. After my freak out we all sat down on the couches and i phoned Vic quickly, seeing Alan sit in Austin's lap was making me miss him.

I watched as Austin twirled his fingered through Alan's hair and caused him to giggle. I'm so glad Alan found someone who loves him just as much as the rest of us do.
"Hey Kells?"
"Yea Al."
"Would you mind helping Austin carry the rest of my bags in." I nodded but gave him a slightly confused look. "He took me shopping." He explained.
"Oh okay. No problem."

While Austin and I were getting the last of the bags out of the trunk Vic pulled up and I practically pounced on him.
"Someone's happy." He laughed as I placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
"Very. Wait until you see Alan." I drug him inside and got Alan's attention. He stood up and I heard Vic gasp. It seemed as the whole room was holding their breath waiting for what Vic would say.

"You're gorgeous!" He said after staring at Alan a moment. Alan broke out in a grin and did another twirl. Alan pulled Vic to him and they ran off to the kitchen together causing me to grumble.
"Where's Alan?" Austin said coming in behind me with the bags.
"He stole my boyfriend." I said as I fell on the couch, causing Austin to laugh.

Eventually Alan brought Vic back and the both had bowls of popcorn and drinks. We spent the rest of the evening watching movies until Alan kicked them out so we could spend some time together. We both headed up to Alan's room, changing our clothes, and sliding under the covers. Alan rambled on and on for what seemed like hours and I just listened. He explained exactly what happened at Dads and how he had come to his realization. A few time I got angry and threatened to beat the shit out of Dad but that was expected.

Afterwards Alan just laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling with a smile on his face. It was the smile that said it all. He was truly happy and I couldn't wish anything better for my baby brother. I know he isn't fully okay with his own skin yet, but he's on the right path to get there. I'm so happy that he finally realized it's okay to be himself.

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