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I'm so sorry this update is so late guys! I had it written but somehow it deleted and I had to start over and sheww by now it finished again. I hope you guys enjoy it's not as good as the first time it was written but I tried.

Have a great day/night/afternoon lovelies! 💕

Austin's POV

"Alan you can't be serious?" I said and looked at him. My heart was racing and if he told me he didn't want this anymore it would break right in two. "Alan don't say that, okay? You're just upset. Please Doll, you mean the world to me." I told him and he only sighed.

"Austin I can't stay they way I am and expect people to like me. Everything about me is wrong in some way. Every single thing. From the clothes I wear, the people I like, heck probably even the way I breathe is wrong." He got up from the bed and stood in the middle of the room. "I don't want to disappoint anyone. I-I've got to change so I can prove that I'm worth something, and if I fail along the way then I fail. There's no choice in bringing someone down with me Aus. I'm a lost cause, or so I've been told." He gave me a sad smile. "My heart is filled with nothing but feelings for you Austin. It's are bursting at the seams, but I don't want you wasting your time. I'm pathetic anyway, I mean what guy actually wears dresses?" He gave a fake laugh. "It would be better without me." He finally finished and turned towards the door.

I was quickly on my feet and I grabbed him by the waist before he even got the chance to turn the door knob. 
"You are speaking nonsense. Absolute utter nonsense. Every word that just left your mouth is bullshit." I whispered in his ear and then turned him towards me and took his face in my hands. "You are not a disappointment. You are not pathetic. You Alan Anthony Ashby are perfect. You are the love of my life and if you walk out that door I will die. I can't live without you. You have this amazing personality and damn you're beautiful. Whether you're in skinny jeans or a skirt, it doesnt matter. I wish you could realize there's nothing you have to prove to anyone. You're one of a kind and dammit I'm the luckiest guy on earth because I get to call you mine." He was crying lightly when I finished and I kissed his lips softly and pulled him into my chest where I hugged him tightly.

"I-i don't know what t-to do Austin." He cried into my shirt.
"Like I said Doll you don't have to do anything." I said and led us back over to my bed where I laid both of us down, Alan on top of me. "What about Kellin?" He whispered. "He hates me." Tears spilled down his cheeks and he clutched tightly to my shirt.
"Alan he could never hate you." I told him truthfully. "He may be hurt but he doesn't hate you."
"I can't believe I said that to him." He said in a sad voice. "He's always been the one to pick up my broken pieces and I just pushed him away like a piece of trash! He's never gonna forgive me Austin!" He cried harder and I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Alan everything will be okay. I promise you." I whispered to him and kissed the top of his head.

He cried for a bit longer and eventually his breathing evened out. He was snoring softly and still clutching to my shirt like I would slip away from him any moment. I whispered an 'I love you' before wrapping my arms tightly around him and going to sleep myself.

Kellin's POV

I was worried sick. Alan wasn't answering his phone and neither was Austin. I had tried calling ever since they left and the longer I got no answer the worse I was. I hadn't really stopped crying, sure it wasn't big sobs anymore, but the tears still streamed down my face. Vic had tried and tried to get me to just sit down and take a moment to relax but I couldn't.

"Kellin's its three in the morning." Vic said. "They are probably asleep and you need to try to get some sleep yourself. Everything will be okay. I promise."
"Vic i'm just worried." I said quietly.
"I know you are Kellin but right now nothing can be done. He's with Austin, he's safe."
I sighed. "I know Vic, but I don't want him mad at me. He said I wasn't his brother. Do you know how much that hurt?" Vic frowned at me. "He's my little brother Vic, my only little brother. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's one of the most important people in my life and what if I've totally screwed that up."
"Everything's going to be okay." Vic said and gave my hand a light squeeze before pulling me to the bed. He climbed in and I followed after. He wrapped my arms around him and laid his head on my chest. He placed a soft kiss on my chest and shifted slightly to get comfortable.

His eyes were closed but he started to hum which was lulling me into sleep. I squeezed him to me tighter and tried to shut off my racing mind so I could try and sleep.

I woke up to someone yelling from downstairs. Vic was sleeping peacefully besides me so I carefully slid out of the bed and softly closed the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and the yelling got louder.
"How could you be so selfish!" I heard my Mom scream.
"Honey, I wasn't being selfish. Please calm down. He's not going to go anywhere in his life by dressing like a girl. I can put up with him liking guys, I don't like it but I can. I cannot put up with him dressing like a girl." Dad said in a calm voice.
"Don't you spew that pile of bullshit at me." My Mom gritted out. "He is your son. He's your flesh and blood and all you do is put him down. I've stood by far too long. Ive gave you the benefit of the doubt and gave you time to change because I love you with all of my heart but this is the last straw."

"Baby don't say that." I peeked around the corner and saw Dad grab my moms hands. She leaned into his touch and sighed.
"I can't do it any more." She said softly. "I can't be with a man that treats his own son like a dog. He loves you and tries so hard to please you but you're blind. You have one of the most amazing boys but you say he's stopping his own potential, when in reality it's you that's stopping him."
"What can I do to make you stay?" He begged.
"I don't think there is really anything that can be done."

I peeked my head around a little farther and saw him crying and my Mom's eyes were red.
"I can't change your mind?" She just shook her head. "Shit." He mumbled. "I've lost my whole world because I was so stupid."
"That you were." She agreed.
"I'll change I promise. I'll show you." He told her in a hopeful tone. "You're serious aren't you?"
"Once again yes.Im calling the lawyer in the morning."
"You and Kellin can have the house." He said without hesitation. "Alan and I will go somewhere else."

My Mom's face turned confused. "Alan's not going with you."
"He's my kid."
"Yea," my mom kind of chuckled. "But you weren't much of a father." His face turned red.
"What do you expect? To just take him."
"Well yeah. He's not staying with you." My Mom crossed her arms.
"Fuck it. I don't care."
"This is what I'm talking about!" My Mom said angrily.
"Maybe if it could have just been you, me, and Kellin we would have been okay." Dad said in wishful voice. Then a slap rang throughout the room.
"You're disgusting. Get out of my house." My Mom said and Dad held his cheek.
"Baby please." He still tried to plead.

"She said to leave." I said stepping out fine my hiding spot.
"Kellin please hear me out."
"No. You need to leave." He rubbed his forehead and his face fell.
"I won't argue. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning." He said and then turned to walk out of the kitchen. We waited and a few minutes later we heard the front door shut softly. I looked back at my Mom to see tears falling silently down her face.

"Mom..." I trailed off and pulled her into a hug.
"I can't do it Kellin." She said softly as she cried into my shirt. "I love him but what he did isn't right. None of it was. Alan is my other son. Ive raised him since he was three. No one is gonna hurt my other baby boy." I held her close as she shook from the tears.
"I love you." I told her quietly.
"I love you too honey." She said and I hugged her until her tears had stopped. She looked at me with tired eyes. "I'm going to go lay down." She kissed my cheek. "And don't worry Alan will be back." She told me reassuringly before going up the stairs to her room.

I took a seat on the couch reflecting all that had happened the past few hours. I was nervous about what would happen next and I couldn't stop the anxiety that crawled up my shoulders and latched on to me like a leech. I just sat in the darkened living room and waited, waited for whatever would happen next.

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