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Alan's POV

"Okay everybody tomorrow there will be a quiz and yes the grade will count!" My math teacher shouted as we all tried to rush out of the door. Once free I went to my locker to get stuff for history. It was my least favorite subject and least favorite class to go to. History was hard for me to learn. Always has been. It didn't help that Matty and Oli were in that class. We had assigned seats and it just so happened that Matty sat right in front of me.

The bell rang and I knew I had to go to class eventually. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking, only to have an arm slung across my shoulder.
"Hello love." Said a thick British accent. Oli had moved here a couple years ago, everyone said his accent would fade, but apparently they were wrong cause it's still just as prominent as ever.
"Hey Oli." He smiled at me and just kept his arm where it was. See the thing with Oli was that he wasn't as bad as the others and the things he did weren't like the others. Oli was just a huge flirt. He did hang out with Matty and Jesse from time to time and when he did I was grateful. He wouldn't let Matty and Jesse get physical with me. Oli got annoying at times though. He flirted and that was basically all the harm Oli had ever done. He was consistent about seeing me in a dress though. Of course he heard about it from Matty but he was for the idea.

We walked into the classroom without any words being said, to my relief. "I'll see you later doll face." Oli said and sat at his front row seat. I looked to my seat and saw Matty already there. I walked over to my seat and sat down, taking out my notebook and a pencil. Class was going absolute fine for once. Matty hadnt turned around once but that soon changed when our teacher finished his lecture and left us to do whatever we wanted for the rest of class.

Matty turned around and my eyes widened at his bruised eye.
"Hey Alan." He said with a smile on his face.
"Thanks to your brother," he said and pointed to his eye. "I have this shiner now. Why do you always run to him? I thought you said you wouldn't say anything to him?" He questioned very calmly.
"I didn't. It was Tony."
"Ohh." He said and then just stared at me. I didn't know what to do. You could sense the tension. He opened his mouth again right as Oli drug a seat up to the side of my desk.
"Hey Alan." He smiled at me. "Hey Matt- dude what happened to your face?" He said with a laugh looking at Matty.
"Quinn." Was all he said.
"Don't tell me you were messing with Alan again?"
"Fucking faggot deserves it." Matty grumbled out.
"No need for name calling. I like dick as much as he does and you don't call me a faggot."
"Yea well just look at him." Maybe my dad was right.
"What about him? He's adorable!" I sunk in my seat and Oli looked at me and winked. Thankfully the bell rang. I grabbed my things and tried to get out of the room quickly.

Once I was out the door someone grabbed my wrist.
"Now don't run from me Ashby." I stopped and Matty put an arm around my shoulder. Much like Oli had done earlier. "Why don't you do Sykes a favor and just sleep with him already?"
"I'm not that type of person." I said offended.
"But Alan I'm sure you'd be willing enough. He wants to see you in a dress. He wouldn't care...as long as you give him what he wants." I didn't say anything. I just stood there uncomfortably waiting for him to leave. "Not gonna answer? Figures. Hey actually that's a good idea. Why don't you just keep those pink lips shut for good. It's not like anyone actually wants to hear what you have to-"

"Alan!" I turned at the noise and saw the Austin guy I had ran, literally, into the other day. "I've been looking for you since I started. Couldn't find you anywhere." He laughed. He looked between me and Matty and I gave him an uneasy look.
"You wanna go hang out? There's only like one class left today." I nodded and moved to get out of Matty's grasp. His hand tightened on my shoulder then he let me go.
"See ya later Alan." He waved before walking down the hall.

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