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"No!" I tried to open the door but she locked it from the outside, keeping the creature away from Knight and I. "Momma!"

Tears poured down Knight's face, his sobs were silent but repetitive. Blood covered my face from when the wolf struck me earlier. Tears threatened to burst but I knew I had to stay strong, not just for me but my brother too.

A gunshot surrounded us, followed by whispering. Three knocks hit the bathroom door. "Police, you're safe now. You can come out. I have unlocked the door."

Slowly I opened the door, grabbing my twin brother's hand and carefully stepped out. The man was waiting outside the door for us. He was older, probably late thirties, early forties. He had black hair, brown eyes and darker skin. He was a bit on the heavier side but still looking kind and gentle. Crap! Mom! I almost forgot about her.

"Mom! Momma!" I ran across the house. Nowhere. I ran outside. The site was a nightmare. I stood there as still and in shock. There she was. On a gurney. Body mangled with only a sheet to cover her body. I couldn't lose her. We, Knight and I, couldn't lose her. Our father had passed only six months ago from cancer, leaving his wife to raise two kids. I couldn't lose them both.

A touch on my shoulder was what brought me back. That's when the tears came. I turned around and found Knight behind me, horror written on his face. He grabbed me and held me close to him like he was scared of letting me go. It felt like hours had gone by holding my brother close until someone finally told me that they should probably let the EMT's look at my face. I took Knights hand, giving it a light squeeze. We just need to let go right now and focus on getting better.

It took about 3 hours for both me and my brother to get cleaned up and stitched for all cuts and such. Sadly I will have scars on my face, vivid claw marks. Knight is okay, though he will have one cut that will scar along his eyebrow and just a few bruises. He's all I got left.

The Death Chasers Children (boyxgirl) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now