Chapter one: When It All Changes

Start from the beginning

“Yes.” He answered, and Alison thought she saw his wand tip move slightly under his robe.

“Very well. Alison, go collect your things while I fill out paper work with your father.”

Alison stood dumbstruck and looked at Snape, he gave her a look that said do as you’re told or else. She left the room in a hurry. Once in the safety of her own room Alison collapsed onto her bed. She took a deep breath and looked at the white walls that suddenly didn’t seem so plain. She was leaving, and was sad about it.  

Alison began to pack what little things she had, and pulled her school trunk out from under her bed. In it was hidden all her school books as well as her wand. Twenty minutes later Kelly entered the room followed by Mrs. Parker and Snape. Alison was only half packed.

“You’re leaving?” asked Kelly running towards her. Kelly was perhaps Alison’s best friend, outside of Ginny and Colin of course. Kelly wrapped her into a hug, “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

“Are you all packed?” asked Mrs. Parker

“Not quite.” She answered hurrying to collect the other half of her things. May-Bell came trotting up just as Alison put the last of her belongings into her trunk. She shut her cat away in her carrier and straightened up. “I’m ready.” She said. Her hand went to the locket around her neck, something she did for comfort. She had had it since forever, inside was a picture of a young boy with black hair and a young girl who looked much like herself. She had assumed they were her parents as children. Sometimes she would hope they were her long lost siblings, living with distant relatives and desperately looking for her. However, they never came.

Snape entered the room and took hold of Alison’s trunk. Mrs. Parker turned and led them out of the door and to the entry way. Finally it was Alison walking out as the other children watched, and she was still sad to be leaving, and unsure of where she was being taken.

“Good bye Mrs. Parker.” she said when they reached the door. Mrs. Parker surprised her and pulled her into a hug whispering, “I have always held you very close to my heart, be happy.” And then she was leaving, and in a cab with Severus Snape, the man she hated almost as much as Voldemort himself.

She set her jaw and stared out the window, deliberately not looking at Snape sitting only a few centimeters from her. He said something to the cab driver and handed him a couple pounds before settling back in his seat.

“So, Miss Parker,” he started, Alison could feel his cold eyes on her, “I’m sure you have questions.” She could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

“Not for you.” she answered.

“Is that anyway to address your father?”

“You are not my father.” she said through gritted teeth. “Where are you taking me?”

“I will tell you in time. We are not safe to discuss these things.”

The rest of the ride was quiet. They didn’t speak to one another until the cab came to a stop on the side of a deserted street in London. “Get out.” Was all he said to her. She climbed out of the cab clutching May-Bell’s carrier. Snape had her trunk. Once the cab had driven away Snape held out a piece of paper with familiar slanted writing on it.

‘Number twelve Grimmlaud Palace’  

“Where is this?” she asked looking up. Suddenly the building in front of her began to shift and there appeared number twelve. Snape grabbed her arm and led her quickly onto the front stoop where he knocked in a certain pattern with his wand. Alison heard the clicks of several locks.

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