Independence or something like that

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With everything going on in my life as of late, it was hard to focus on anything. I treated Jacob like he had the plague when he did nothing wrong. I divided everyone, and I think Kai was getting a little tired of helping me. I needed to refocus on things and become the independent person who I always was, not the dependent, helpless person I evolved into now.

That took some time. Mom tried to help me, but I refused, telling her that I wanted to do it myself. I had to learn to do things on my own. I wasn't blind completely and could see shapes or whatnot. I was technically blind.

At school, Kai and everyone asked me if I was okay, and my response was I'm fine.

"What's going on with Faith?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know. Faith's acting differently," Kai said.

"Different in what way?" Jacob asked, leaning against the lockers.

Kai shut his locker. "It's like Faith doesn't want anyone's help."

"Have you talked to her?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, but I keep getting the same answer. I'm fine," Kai answered.

"I don't know, man. That doesn't sound like Faith," Jacob said.

"Anyone knows what's going on with Faith?" Kira asked, walking up with Belle.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Kai said with a shrug. "Look, I got to get to class."

"Yeah, man, see ya," Jacob said.

It seemed every time I saw some form in front of me; it was someone asking me if everything was okay. It got to the point that it frustrated me with everyone starting to crowd me.

"Enough," I said, raising my voice, and they all stop talking. "I'm fine. I thought it was time for me to learn how to do things without having to depend on people."

"Faith, we're trying to help you," Kai said.

"I know, but I don't want burden anyone," I reasoned.

"What?" Kai asked, confused.

"A blind girl needs help all the time because she can't do anything for herself. My grandmother always dealt with her deafness without issue, so why should I be any more special, because I'm blind?" I asked.

"Is that what you think? We're all helping you because we think you're helpless and everything?" Kai questioned me.

"Maybe," I said, shrugging.

Kai took my hand. "You are far from helpless and not a burden. Faith, we help because you would do the same for any one of us."

I heard everyone agree.

"You judged none of us and always helped us even when we didn't deserve your kindness," Kia reasoned.

"I felt as if you were tired of helping me," I whispered.

Kai placed his hand on my cheek. "Not when you love that person. You do everything you can to help them."

"You love me?" I asked, touching Kai's hand on the side of my cheek.

"Yes, I do. Faith, you rescued me in the best way," Kai admitted.

"I love you, too," I whispered, and with that, Kia leaned into me and gave me a soft, gentle kiss.

Then we heard a collective "aww." We stopped kissing, and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks a lot, guys," I said, and everyone started laughing.

Kai placed his hands on my hips and pulled me to him, "Now promise me, if we help you, you will accept it."

"I will not win this argument, will I?" I asked.

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