Kai King

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Belle and I got ready and went to Max and Margo's. Most of the school would be there since they threw the best party. They were also the most friendly and accessible people at our school, who were fraternal twins.

I was hoping not to run into Jacob or Kira. The image of the two still seared into my brain.

"What about Ashton?" I asked Belle on our way to the party.

"Eh, Ashton's acting like a royal prick." Belle shrugged.

"I will never understand this thing with you two," I said.

"If you saw him," Belle started to say.

I interrupted Belle. "Please don't talk to me about my brother's manhood. I saw one bad visual today. I don't need another."

Belle giggled. "Oh, fine. Come on." With that, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the party. Yep, this will be a fun night.

We walked into the party, and it was raging as Max made his way over to us, and the minute he reached us, he threw his arms around both our necks, giving us each a kiss on our cheek.

"How're my two favorite girls?" Max asked enthusiastically.

"Good, great party as always, Max," Belle said to Max.

"Well, you know, got to keep up appearances," Max grinned.

"Max, will you stop trying to feel up the guests?" Margo said.

"Eh, what can you say when you have two hotties like these at the party?" Max shrugged. Then we heard something break. "And that's my cue. Later, ladies."

Max rushed off, and Margo looked at us. "My brother is a dolt, but I love him. Where are the other two musketeers at?" Margo asked us.

"Who knows? Probably too busy fucking each other," I said, moving past Margo and making my way through the crowd.

"Don't worry, Faith's acting salty because she caught the two of them fucking earlier," Belle said to Margo.

"Faith should know what a horny bastard Jacob is," Margo said to Belle.

"Yeah, but Faith has this ideal of what a guy should be, and Jacob tossed it out the window. She'll be fine," Belle reasoned.

"Drink?" Margo asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Belle said.

"Where's Ashton?" Margo asked.

"Acting like a royal prick. If Ashton didn't have such a huge dick, I wouldn't even think about him," Belle said.

"Yeah, that's the plus to them acting like a royal prick," Margo said, making them both laugh.

I made my way through the party, saying hi to people. God, the music was loud. I needed someplace quiet; then, I saw Jacob and Kira on the other side of the room look cozy. I don't know why it burned me so much. It's not like Jacob, and I was anything more than friends. Yeah, sure, we messed around, but I didn't see Jacob like that. Perhaps it's because things were changing, then maybe it was something else. I didn't know.

I grabbed a drink and walked in the opposite direction, going outside. I don't even know why I grabbed the glass, considering I hate the taste of alcohol. Once I was outside, I took one whiff of it and immediately dumped it out.

"Hey, that's alcohol abuse," I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I turned around as I tossed my cup in the trash. "Yeah, well, maybe the grass can get drunk for the both of us."

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