"Bastard," I quietly sob.

"What'd you call me?" He asks.

I wipe a tear away and before I could even build up the courage to reply. He grabs me by my forearms, pulling me to him and slamming me into a white painted wall.

"Did you fucking say something?" He wonders.

I start to kick and thrash my arms, anything to try and get him to let go of me. I'm unable to completely get him off but he jolts back just about twice. He brings his lips close to my left ear, moving his right hand to tightly grip my wrist, where I could feel my blood not being able to circulate under his touch; and he brings his left hand to cup my bottom; he presses our bodies together, very, very close and tight. I'm breathing in his face and he's breathing in mine.

"I was just wondering, is all, sweetheart." He purrs into my ear.

"Harry, stop!" I bring my right knee up to try and hurt him but he just laughs, not being affected by my kick.

"Is that all you got, 'ellie?" He chuckles, lightly biting my earlobe.

I move my shoulders and head from side to side, "don't call me that!"

He uses his tongue and lips to make big sloppy kisses on my jawline and then neck, I feel him start to bite. He moans on my neck loudly, causing tingly senses to pounce on my spine. "Baby girl, I want to fuck."

"No!" I scream, moving my head, my arms, my legs and any body part I could to get him to let go.

He holds me down, continuing his verbal and physical harassment. "I can tie you up on our bed or strap your hands to a bar, put you in a swing, get you a leash, we could six-nine, doggy... I'd do it all with you" He whispers, biting onto my cheek now, his hands painfully grabbing a chunk of my bottom and yanking it. A low groan leaves his parted lips as he pushes his bulge up and against me.

Another tear slips from my eyes and it's now that I finally realize what I have to do to get him off me. He brings his beautifully wicked face in front of me, waiting for my reaction. Without a once of hesitation I head butt him, hard.

Unprepared and unaware he finally stumbles back, almost falling to the ground. He brings his hand to his forehead as I do that same.

"Shit!" He curses.

"Ow!" I dryly cry.

He looks at me, as I fall to the ground; my knees gave out.

"Gisele, are you alright?" He asks, getting over and down to help me, suddenly so worried.

"Don't touch me," I sternly announce.

"No, no, no. Baby, that was just... you did well. That was a test."

"What? What are you saying Harry?" I ask him, looking at his pretty and guilty face.

"Gisele, are you okay baby?" He asks one more time, now grabbing my hands and getting me to stand. He grabs my right arm and swings it over his shoulder, his left hand holds onto my side, and he walks me to the couch.

"Sit baby," he calmly tells me.

When I sit on the couch, I close my eyes and slowly exhale. What just happened? "What's going on Harry?"

"Okay, look... last night... I got into a fight with some friends all right? And today, I just wanted to push your buttons to see if you could fight, you know... just in case anything were to happen to you. If you were ever in a position like I was. Unprepared and unequipped."

"A fight with some friends?" I raise my brows.

He smiles and licks his lips, "well I guess they're not friends."

I chuckle but frown right after. "You really hurt me Harry... And I just wanted to help you and have you enjoy breakfast.."

"I'm so sorry baby. It was just a test, I swear. You did good. The breakfast was good. I just-I just think I need to get you private lessons," he suggests. "... I would never try and hurt you Gisele."

It was just a test? I don't know if I believe that, but I mean he's being sweet and sincere. There is no way he's lying about this being a test. He wouldn't just snap at me like that for any reason. I have no other explanations, anyhow. I playfully slap his arm, "I was that awful?"

"No no, you're quite strong but I'd like you to learn more moves."

"Why?" I look at him puzzled. I would never be in that kind of position I think, plus I've got Gordo and Steve not to mention this lunatic.

"You know in case something ever happened. You never know these days," he shrugs.

"Well don't you run the district or something?" I smile and put my hand on his shoulder.

He hums and bites his lip, grabbing my hands and thigh, placing me on his lap. "Something like that," he tells me.

"Mmm, couldn't you prevent something like that, then?" I ask him, and then I bring my lips to his neck, where I leave a trail of wet kisses.

Harry groans. "Hm?" I tease him.

"I-I guess so." Harry says, losing his train of thought. He puts his hands on the sides of my shoulders, pushing me away from his skin; I frown.

"I'm serious about lessons. I'll get Leah to get you the best trainer...because I love you, okay?" He tells me then kisses my lips.

I hum and nod, loving the plain taste of his puffy lips. I take my finger and trace them.

"Are you hurt? Does this hurt?"

He scoffs, "barely. Don't worry about me."

"I have to worry about you," I argue, frowning my brows.

He kisses my lips once more, grinning, "let me just worry about you, princess."

"You're silly," I tell him then push a ring of curls behind his ear. He doesn't say a thing to defend himself but instead grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles then my diamond ring.

Prince Harry Ih.sIWhere stories live. Discover now