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With Patrick in my arms, I walk down the cracked sidewalk. The buildings begin to tumble and the ground shakes underneath my feet but I press on. Dust rains down upon us and Patrick takes off his glasses to wipe them.

"Now what." He whispers and it is so hopefull, I look down at him in my arms and smile. Even if the angle makes my neck hurt this could be the last moments I have with him. I hold him closer and unfurl my wings.

"Now its time for you to go home Pattycakes." I smile and beat my wings, dust swirls beneath them and my muscles twitch with the familiar feeling. I beat them faster and we lift off the ground. I am not quite sure how to escape this place but I might just be crazy enough to get it done. We soar upwards, my back stings trying to reject the motion, something that after all this time now feels unnatural.

I press further as the buildings begin the crumble and the facade fades to blackness I press on. I never thought I would make it this far so I honestly have no idea what to do now. I hope if I keep pressing on soon enough we will make it out but that hope crumbles when we smack into a solid wall in the darkness and tumble back and hit a new ground. This place is different it is dark and cold. I put Patrick on his feet but keep a tight hold of his hand.  

"Where are we?" Patrick's asks his voice is barely a whisper but it still echoes into the black void. 

"I don't know." I whisper back, the hairs on the back of my neck tingle as I feel the need to remain quiet. My grip on Patrick remains tight I am worried at any given moment he will slip from my grasp and be lost in the void forever. 

Smoke begins to circle around our feet. I take a step back as it swirls upward creating a small tornado of the smoke before it gains color and shape. Before I know it another Patrick stands in front of me his eyes wide and fear-stricken.

"Pete, who is that?" The new materialized Patrick asks pointing to the Patrick I am currently holding the hand of. I look between the two looking at each other with equal amounts of fear in their eyes and I don't quite know what exactly to do in this situation. Do I take them both with me? They seem terrified of one another so that is probably not the best idea. The new one in front of us did materialize from thin air practically so I feel I should not trust the being in front of us. 

I feel Patrick squeeze my hand. "Pete." He whispers his voice so quiet and scared, "They are everywhere." He squeaks. My eyes snap off of the figure in front of us and sure enough different forms of Patrick, and myself surround us. All standing still staring at us like we are aliens, I gulp and squeeze Patricks hand tighter. 

"They aren't real." I whisper and I see one of the illusions flinch. "You aren't real!" I say louder and some seem to disappear in a plume of smoke. "None Of You are Real!" I scream and soon enough most of them vanish except for two. One version of me and one of Patrick. They mirror our same position clinging to one another.

"Who says that you are the real ones?" The mirror images ask. Then another figure comes out of the blackness this one doesn't appear in a cloud of smoke instead their feet echo across the large expanse as they approach. I gulp when I see the red-streaked bangs.

"Was I not real enough for you Pete?" He asks my eyes fall to my own feet. "Is that why you decided killing me was no big deal? I see you came to save Patrick obviously you have some human emotion left in you. Was I so meaningless that after you ripped the wings off my back and I disappeared you never gave me another thought! I am literally you, an actual creation of exactly who you were, who you would have been if you had never been so stupid to take your wings off in the first place." My younger self-fumes and strides toward us getting up in my face.

"You are not real." I grit out. "It is impossible for you to still exist you were a shadow creation, a placeholder for my wings, which means when I took my wings back you were not needed. That means you can't be real." By the end of it, I am screaming in their face... My own face of my younger self I see the facade falter as the person in front of me turns translucent for a fraction of a second. I reach a hand to push them away and my hand goes straight through them.

The figure walks away with long strides take them away back into the blackness. I feel dizzy, and I want to sit down and rest but I have a feeling this is only the beginning of how to escape this place. 

My assumptions seem to come true as I feel the ground shift and colors blur around us sending us into a whirlwind through space and time. We land back on solid ground outside the farmhouse.

Patrick's farmhouse, I look at him and he is squinting at the place. "Why does this look so familiar?" He asks looking at me. My eyebrows shoot up, does he not remember this place?

I ask him and he shakes his head. "How do you know it?" He asks.

"It's a long story but Patrick this is when you were human. I think this is where I first met you." As if to prove me wrong I feel the ground shift again and suddenly its the middle of the night and we are in the middle of a dark forest. I see a figure sitting high up in the trees. I squint and in the moonlight realize it is myself waiting up there simply staring at the stars.

Then I hear something, somewhere far in the distance is someone singing, a sad lonely melody but beautiful none the less. My ears are drawn to the sound and apparently so is the version of me up in the trees. I see them take flight. I look over to Patrick and he shrugs. I pull him close into a tight embrace and take to the skies after them.

When they slow down we are considerably closer to the sound now and I realize it is the place Patrick had brought me to show me his drawings, where many a stolen kiss was had. The other me perches in a tree once more Patrick and I touch down onto the ground not far away. 

"This is when we met." Patrick gasps a hand shooting over his mouth as he peers into the darkness. He must be right because there sitting under one of the trees is the young farm boy that Patrick once was. 

"So this is where it all began," I whisper. "But what are we doing here?" I ask. I look at Patrick and he shrugs.

"Learning our history? Maybe there is a way back home through all of this?"

"Perhaps we just need to find the right memory," I say as the ground begins to shift again.

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