"Stiles, get off the counter before I drag you off it."

He simply pulled out his phone, ignoring me.


He let out a scoff, rolling his eyes.


"Are you serious?"

"Very. Do I need to say one?"

He grumbled a reply as he turned on a song, hopping off the counter. He set his phone down after turning the sound up. He then turned to me with a smirk.

"My lady, may I have this dance?"

I gave him a look, trying to see if he was joking or not.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the stove. He put his other hand on my waist, beginning to dramatically waltz around the kitchen. I laughed, hiding my face in his shoulder as I stumbled along, eventually joining.

He spun me around before dipping back, making me hold him up, only making me laugh harder.

"I'm slipping. Erica, please. Erica!" He fell, dragging me down to the ground with him. "Oh good job, Erica."

My only response was more laughter as I attempted to stop. He joined in, both of us laughing as we lay there on the kitchen floor.

We didn't stop until we heard loud beeping and the smell of smoke. We looked at each other before Stiles's eyes widened.

"The smoke alarm!"

We both burst onto our feet, our eyes locking on the now burnt pancake. I ran over to turn off the stove, moving the pan away from it.

"You made me burn the food. Good job, Stiles." I parroted, throwing a towel at him.

He ran to turn the alarm off as I threw the pancake away. He came back in as I scooped out another pancake. He walked over, looking down into the mixture before dipping his finger into the bowl and smearing it onto my cheek.

"I'm going to ignore that because I actually want to eat these pancakes, not burn them."

He snickered before getting more mix onto his finger, putting it onto my nose. I shot him a glare as he only stood there with a smug grin on his face. I quickly smeared some mixture onto his neck before turning back to the stove.

He gasped in mock shock before scooping a glob into his hand, throwing it at me. I let out a real gasp, feeling it drip onto my shoulder from my hair.

I grabbed two handfuls, throwing them at him, rubbing it into his chest and shirt as he dumped more batter onto my head. I took the bowl, pouring the remaining liquid onto his head.

We giggled at each other as we surveyed the damage. Batter was on the floor, on the counter, all over both of our clothes, in our hair.

"You look like a mess." I admitted around my laughter.

"You don't look any better."

"You're cleaning this up you know."


"Because you started it! And-the pancake!" I turned to flip the pancake, finding the other side burnt. "Look at what you did!"

"Me? Look what you did!" He pointed to himself, batter dripping down from his head as if to prove the point.

"Oh you poor thing."

Laila's POV

"Ok, so what's the big news?" Lydia asked as she walked into my room, two drinks in her hands. She held one out to me as I smiled gratefully.

"Isaac asked me out."

"About time." she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"And the date's tonight." I continued, ignoring her comment.

"What time?"

"Around six."

She sat down next to me, sipping at her drink. "I want the details. What happened last night?"

I felt my lips pull up into a grin as I told her everything. "And then he left. But it was perfect, Lydia."

She returned the smile before standing up and holding her hand out. "Come on, we need to get you ready for your date.

Author's Note:

Sophie's out with her mom, Sterica's making pancakes and Laila's getting ready for the date!!

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEE!!!!!

Under The Full Moon {Teen Wolf}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz