Nomore waiting for you

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Later that night...

Keyarii POV

I was finally able to fully enjoy myself  without having Isaiah breath down my neck. I sat, along with Jaylen and Ivory, with my feet resting in the chilled pool water. What made it peaceful was that it was only a good 10 people out with the rest either inside watching the Dogs perform or was in the parking lot. I busied myself by listening to the two's conversations as I sipped on some pineapple Smirnoff," It's not like that at all, I literally never had a boyfriend nor something close to it. My parents raised me to like education and that's it." Ivory shrug as he raise a brow.

" Basically your saying you never kissed a guy before." my  eyes buck as I look over at Ivory, the redness in her chocolate cheeks clearly showed. She start to think," Does giving CPR count?" She ask and in unison our heads shook no which causes her to pout. It looked as if she was overthinking it so I stepped in," don't let him make you think it's all that," I gate at him as he shrug before hopping into the pool," not everyone knows how to kiss. Then what if his breath stinks or if his lips aren't the right ones-" she cuts me off.

" What you mean about the "right ones"?" She say as Jaylen comes from underwater. I grab his before he even knows what's going on," For instance, his lips aren't big yet isn't small. It's as if his are saying 'kiss me now'." We both laugh as he swat my hands from his face." For me it's guys with plump lips."

Jaylen reclaims his spot," same for guys. I like to avoid girls with duck lips," he points over to the other side of the pool where a girl was sitting on some guys lap," it's not just her appearance that screamed she a hoe. Then you can tell if a person is a smoker or not by the color of their lip but not always." I nod in agreement as she start back self thinking.

My phone start to vibrate in my lap causing me to groan once I see Isaiah name across the screen," What Isaiah?"" Where you at? I'm missin' yo' cute ass." his words were slurred a bit as I made a note to my self to have Levi, one of the dogs, to drive him home since he doesn't drink." Did you leave the party?"

" No I'm just outside-" he cut me off by asking with who," My business damn." He kisses his teeth ready to clap back but someone on the other end catches his attention." Come on bro we doing body shots." I hear the guy say making me hop up quick startling Jay and Ivy. I mouth " I'll be back" before rushing inside snaking my way though the crowd.

Amarion POV

" You so embarrassing!" Shonnie laugh out as I did my Michael Jackson impression. Me, Shonnie, Sonya, Quees, Derrick, Fallon and Zay was in our own little group out in the parking lot as we played the game guess who and I was the most funniest by far." What you don't like my moves baby? Yk that hurts my feeling so imma have to moon walk on out of here, Hee Heeee!" I start to moonwalk making everyone bust out in laughter.

Fallon pushes me back from out the center," that was the weakest Michael Jackson ever. Imma show you how-" like that she was quiet making everyone question what was wrong." Do y'all hear that?" Just as we all got quiet we couldn't hear nothing." It's like they hit mute on the party." Zay say he was the first to head for the house, we all followed. As we entered it was only about two voices heard but I couldn't really make out who's nor see who's it belonged to.

"Ain't that's your friend Mari?" Quees say as he stood on the steps peering over. We trade places and my eyes furrow as I see Key arguing with some girl as Isaiah watched as if he was entertained. They went back and forth and from what I could hear was that Isaiah was doing body shots with one of his exes. His voice got heavier which caused me to start making my way through the crowd. Low blows was being said and I tried my best to get in front of everybody and just as I got there Isaiah's hand had already went across Keyarii's face making.

Just Wait On Me (Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora