Check Mate Bitch!

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Marquees POV


      I enter the kitchen and got greeted by a few people but i only have them a swift conversation before heading up to the girl that was making the drinks." What can I get for you cutie?"" I Need something hard yet sweet. Can you do that for me?" I ask her leaning into the counter."Anything in particular?" she ask me and I shake my head."How about you suprise me?" I send her a smile before she turn her back and start to prep my drink. I checked my nonifications and replied back to the messages mostly from my siblings asking about the party." Here you go!" the girl say as I slip my phone back into my pocket. I take the drink from her and take a sip from it of course tasting the liquor and a fruity taste that I can't put a name too. As I was in my own world enjoying my drink and giving just scoped the party scenery, my eyes land on the person that annoys the hell out of me."You never seem to stay away do you?" I say killing the rest of my drink about to turn around only to get stopped by her.

      "Can we at least have a friendly conversation?" it felt like my whole body just took a blow. Probably the effect of the liquor finally getting to me"That's the thing Chardneé, you can't. You always have to find a way to touch me knowing I have a whole girl. I didn't even give you the D yet you still touch me." I tell her and she looks away."No I don't..." I give her that 'stop all that lying' look and she sigh," Okay but it's only because I miss you. The feeling comes back only worst and other to sit down." You okay?""I will be when you leave me alone." I more like mumble to myself. Its like my whole body was going was going numb and I was looking conscious. I went to the closes thing I could, that was the stairs, sit on and tried to recollect myself. The hell she put in that shit? "So your not gone talk to me?" she folds up her arms."I forgot all about you." I tell her in honesty." Woooow..." the wave got me again only harder and my eye sight was getting too blurry. Last thing I saw was her waving her hands in my face before I blacked out....

Sonya POV

  I was in deep conversation when I realized my baby haven't came back yet. Its been over five minutes and I know it won't take that long to grab no damn drink. I excuse myself from the group to go into the kitchen only not to find him. I go up and ask the girl that makes the drink did she see him only to get told no. Where the hell? I send him a message then go throughout the house only to find nothing. I check my phone to see he haven't replied so I try and call him only to be sent to voicemail."Where Quees go?" Joshlyn ask me with Melvin hanging off her and I shrug."Bro car still outside so he must still be here." he say and I shake my head. " I checked and I have his keys right here." I pull out the keys and show them and they shake there heads. I know he's not that dumb to leave with no bitch while I'm here. "Who y'all looking for?" Zachary say as he comes from behind and ace his arm on my shoulder. " Quees, you seen him?" Jay ask and he takes a sip from drink and nod." I seen his black ass leaving with some chick but from the looks of it he was fucked up." he say and I scrunch my face up. He wasn't nowhere near drunk so the hell he mean? I ask him who was the girl and he shrugs saying he only see her backside as they left.


    "Go collect everybody and tell them we meeting up at my house." they nod and I leave out the house hopping into his car and heading straight home. I pull about 25 minutes and head inside up to my room to change. On the way home I had to put everything together and came up with two things that possibly happend. 1, he had left with either Joseph or Donté or 2, he that stupid and left with a bitch. But then in bad to think about what Zay said so it makes no since. I throw on some sweats and a t-shirt so if I had to beat a bitch I was ready. I take down the neat bun and put it into a high ponytail to save my troubles then go to my bathroom and wipe the little makeup I had on off. I hear cars pulling up so I head back downstairs to let them in. I take a seat as everyone excluding Cam and Wayne and including Donté and Joseph. Well that's kind conclusion down the drain. I get up and tell Joseph and Donté to follow me into the back so I could talk to them. I open up my laptop and hand it to Donté and he gives me a confusing look and I send him an impatient one." So he told you then?" I nod making him sigh and go straight to work." Its gone take longer since his phone isn't a IPhone and it don't have it location on." he tell me and I nod. I look at the time to see its almost 1 and I sigh heavily.

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