Road Trip Slip

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Sonya POV

Continued Pt.1...

   " Bitch where the hell did you get this big ass van from?" I ask Cameron as everyone piled up inside." Girl you know I be going to church so I asked my pastor could I use it for three days. You know I'm his favorite so he agreed with no hesitation." I nod my head chuckling. I'm the front was Cameron and Wayne with Joshlyn, Melvin, Joseph and Amarion placed right behind them. Behind that group is Lasheay and Lucas with Donté leaving me and Zachery in the very back, We're that packed and not playing no games. Cameron switch spots with Wayne and pull off going straight to Alanta and since it's late we should arrive around 11. Once there were going to book us a hotel, about 4 to a room since Marquees going to make 12." Amari I hear that gummie worm bag, share?" he look back at me holding up the half eaten bag and I nod making him shake his head. I look over to Zay and point at him and he shakes his head and I do it to everyone in the car.

     " Stop playing Amari!" he smirks evily making me raise a brow." Gimmie Kiss." I roll my eyes," Boy I have a man you have a whole girl." Where? I been cut ties with Ashanti and Madison playin' games so... Where my kiss?" he climbs over everyone making them shout but he still advance my way." Boy if you don't move that size 11!" I look over at Joshlyn who's swatting at his feet making me laugh." Give me the bag first." his dumb ass do so and I hide behind Zay laughing hard as ever." I know I better not get snagged up with yo' lil ass, you can have her bro." Zay move out the way and just like he said I latched onto him while Amari grabs a hold of me.

    " DON'T MAKE ME PULL OVER CAUSE ILL BEAT ALL YALL ASSES!" Cam tell over all the bickering making us all due of laughter." Ion find shit funny! I swear y'all acting like this a school bus but I beat ass!" I throw a gummie worm at her causing her to look through the rear view mirror mugging all of us causing us to laugh harder." Hold on bitches!" She pulls over on the side of the highway and dead the engine. She unbuckes her seatbelt and get out and we all look at each other before playing sleep. Don't be mad cause we that type of childish squad, lol. I hear the sliding doors open and then hard smacks making me hide my head." I! told! yall! to! stop! playing! in! my! damn! van! lil! bitches!" every smack she spoke until she got to the very back and start windmilling me and Amari with her Nike slide.

      " I want to know why the hell I got swung on when I'm up here with you?" D'Wayne ask and we all mock him as she gets back into the the passenger seat. Eating on the rest of the gummie worms I lean onto Zay as he cake up with somebody daughter." You said you can do what?" he ask her licking his lips and the response made me scrunch up my face. I take the phone from him," Bitch doing all that you need to get checked." and with that I hung up." Man why you do that?" he mush my face moving me over and I mug him." I'm saving you from an infection, you welcome." he kisses his teeth and put his hood on. I place my head onto his chest looking up at him and yanking on one of his braids.

" Zachary, you mad at me?" I ask with puppy dog eyes and for some reason I was staring at his lips. He kisses his teeth," Man you always doin' that shit. Have you ever thought that I needed some play too? Even if it's a quick fuck I still want to feel someone body next to mines. I haven't had sex for a good 4 months and Ian liking it. I'm a dude with needs and if my hoes can appt that then oh well but you need to chill." his voice low to where only I could hear him. I knew he wasn't playing because his eyes never left off mines and I could see his jaws clenching. I never intentionally did that I just wanted what's best for him. I want what's best for Zay but I see that he doesn't want if for himself though. I get up and scoot all the way on the other side away from him. I'm not mad but hurt. How is a question I can't even answer.

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