Time Go Move On

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Excuse any errors...

Also characters are coming, probably change Keyarii's character 💯

Amarion POV

Shuffling from on the side of me wake me from my slumber. I open my eyes to see Ivory snuggled up on my side causing me to raise a brown. Okay we both have clothes on so that's a good sign but why is she in my bed. Her light snores cause me to smile at how cute she is sleeping even though tear stains her cheeks. Her arms wrap around my waist pulling herself closer to me and I close my eyes back since its still dark outside and I don't want to wake her up.


" Amari?" I get shooken but I ignore the attempt to get me up. Doing so again my eyes flutter open to see Ivy sitting up against the headboard.

" Huh?" I ask squinting my eyes due to the sun rays that seeps through the window.

" Why am I in your bed and where's Derrick?" I look over to his nearly made bed and shrug.

Raising myself up I look at her," My guess is the same as yours."

" Did we do.... you know?" I look at her with furrow brows but quickly change the expression.

I sniff her shirt then the sheets and shake my head no," Doesn't smell like it" she roll her eyes causing me to smirk.

" I didn't have any liquor last night so I should remember."  she stare off into space for a while before catching me off guard by jumping." Okay so this how it went..."


Ivory POV

As we enter the crowd it seems like everyone just went there own way. Knowing that I'm not a party person I head for the empty part of the beach. Taking a seat on the cool sand I look off into the water. So calm and beautiful yet dangerous towards those who use oxygen.

I place my bag down before hopping up and strutting over to the water. Taking the first step into the water send chills through my body, I smile before going on further. Stopping to where the water touches under my breast u start to glide my hands over the water.

I put my hair into a bun before diving underwater where the real beauty is found. Opening my eyes I watch as a small bluish green fish swim around my body as if it was an obstacle. I could've sworn I seen it look at me. Swimming futher away from my original spot I watch as the marine life play out. Sea plants flow freely as the fishes group themselves.

Seashells lay delicately on the sea floor showcasing there beauty. I head above water taking in more oxygen before heading back down. I explore the beauty of underwater for a while before I decide that it was time to head back out. Out from the warm water I run back to my bag pulling out a towel to dry myself off. Wrapping it around my lower body my phone goes off causing me to fish through my bag.

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