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My baby 💦 and Jaylen 💥let's go...

Keyarii POV

  It's about a good four weeks left of summer until fall classes start up and we all agreed that for these last week's well be at home. I actually got dropped off last night and I can't be more than happy. Why, because I couldn't deal with all the tension that came from everyone. Bihh stop over exaggerating!

Well to be honest the tension came from Amari and Isaiah and I had enough of it. Thank God Isaiah had football camp. He's been doing nothing but babying me by doing everything that came out my mouth. Footrubs, massages, cuddling, food, clothes, bathes, scalp tub, you name it. After a while it's gets lame and sad to watch.

As for Amari, he's been all around with that Shonnie girl and I be wanting his company sometimes. I thought that was just temporarily but I soon found out that she goes to school with us. How come we've never seen her is beyond me but I have to remember that I have someone already.

But the good in it all is that Jaylen is transferring down here so he could take up an promotion that was offered to him. His job is still unknown to me but at least I still can have him on my team.

Fallon and Derrick is head over heels for each other and it's disgust me. Every time you see one the other isn't that far behind. Basically all they do is sick each other face off and I had enough. Bitch you just mad cause you don't want no play from Isaiah. Don't get me wrong, sex with saiah is just like Rihanna said but you could say I want something different. That sounds like a hoe move.

" Man shut up." I say out loud as if my conscious was standing in my room. I really do need a life.

Getting up from my bed I head out my room and down the steps to see my father and a couple of his friends watching a recorded basketball game. I pass them up going straight outside to see moving trucks turning into the driveway across the street from us. Me being a girl and nosy I plop down on the steps and make it seems as if I was busy with my phone. The workers, about 6, jumped out and started on their assignment straight away. A few minutes later a familiar car pulls up and I immediately place a smile on my face.

Hopping up from my spot I run towards the car to meet him in the middle of the street embracing him in a tight hug. A car honk causing us to jump and move out the way.

" Miss me that much?" he asks causing me to playfully roll my eyes making him laugh.

" I didn't know you mean that you was moving this close." we take a seat on the curb facing each other." Probably stalking me."

He scoffs," None of that. If anything I have girls stalking me so if you see a figure in your window, you better run." I laugh out.

Someone calling out Jaylen's name we both get up and head to the movers." Where you want me to put these?"

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