The Run In

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Keyarii 💙

Excuse any errors 💯 lets get to it...

P.S. additional characters are not found...

Keyarii POV

" Alright Ladies, nice work! I want to say have a great summer and make sure you enter in the volleyball tonament they're throwing this year." Our coach say as we all was headed in the locker room. This was our last practice before we go on summer vacation and I couldn't be anymore happier. Since I don't associate with the girls in the team I took a quick shower and headed out to my royal purple 2016 Nissan Altima.

Thowing my bag in the back I pressed the button as the engine came to life. Pulling up to my dorm building within 5 minutes I gathered my stuff and headed in.

Seeing my roommate hugged up with some dude I quietly crept to my room and closed the door behind me. I can say not having multiple friends sucks big time. I only talk to two people which is my boyfriend Isaiah and my best friend Fallon. Looking around my empty room that only had a basket of clothes, a smile crept into my face realizing that it was the last day. I finally get to go back home to my family and I couldn't be more happier. I quickly took a hold of the basket dragging towards my door. Would I be missing anyone? No because my circle so small that we all could fit on one swing, lol.

Finally making my way back out to my car I place the basket in the trunk then head towards the drivers seat pulling off to housing athority. Dropping off my keys I make my way back to my vehicle turning on the raido. Blasting out the speakers came Me, Myself and I l and it couldn't been anything else to fit this predicament. I sing along as I put my shades on before making my way off campus heading straight home.


After two hours of driving I finally pull up in my parents driveway seeing all their cars out accom-panied with my big brother. Hopping out I grab up the basket and make my way towards the massive white house. Why was it so big was beyond me but I'm not compaining. Taking out my keys I let myself in placing the basket down making my way towards the living room knowing that my father would be there.

Creeping up behind him as he say on the couch I wrap my arms around him earning a chuckle." Is that my chipmunk?" he ask as I make my way around the black leather sectional.

He stands up taking a hold of my hand making me spin." Me in the flesh."

" My Chipmunk is growing up on me," he wipes his imaginary tears away making my chuckle." beginning to evolve into a squirrel."

I laugh even harder," Now we both know chipmunks don't turn into squirrels." he shrugs as we both take a seat." So how's things been around here?"

" Same as always but guess what?" he cheese so hard so I knew it was some good news but I want to toy with him.

" Mom having another child?" I ask and his cheesing goes to be frown making me laugh." You did say guess." I give him a innocent smile making him scoff.

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