Mall Time

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Keyarii POV

Waking up due to Fallon outrageous snoring I slip out my bed going to the bathroom connected the room. I would've been sleeping with Isaiah if Roman wasn't acting like a big brother. He act like we gone..... You know, sexual intercorses. Lmao, but no he said and I quote " Y'all gone be doing more than sleepin' and ain' having it.' Of course I argued back but he always out Trisha in talking about she get the last word and you know how that go. He act like I just ain't come from a college that had sex left to right. I had to straight stiff arm niggas out my way to make it to the end of the year. Specially the Frat boys..... Why must you do this to me Jesus?! Lol.

Done in the bathroom since I have too much hair to do something with it I head out the room going to the kitchen. Seeing Ivory at the stove I grab out a glass pouting me some OJ before taking a seat at the bar.

" Good morning." she speak scaring a bit because not once she turned around.

" Morning..... You must be a morning person." I say making her turn around and smile." How can you do it."

" Simple, morning classes." she shrug taking out two packs of gravy.

" I had some but never grown accustomed to it." I take a sip of my juice.

Glancing back to see the little rugrats making there way over. I get up and place them in on the bar stool as Ivory prop a plate in front of them." Thank you." they say in unison digging right into the biscuits and gravy.

I pour them a cup of apple juice sitting it on the side of them then take a seat on the free counter." So what are we doing today. You know just us young adults." I quote because the kids always putting there 2 cents in everything and it gets annoying.

" I don't know but at night they're having an beach bash on the other side of the beach so we can go to that. In between I don't know." she hands me my plate and make her one also. Following her into the dining room we take a seat at the polished wooden table.

" That sound fun but you know who's throwing it?"

" Some college students was handing out flyers and I took a picture of it." she took out her phone going to the picture and I wipe my hands before taking it. Reading it over I hand her phone back once I was done.

" What y'all talking bout in here?" Derrick comes in With his plate taking a seat next to me.

" You remember when that dude showed us that flyer about the beach bash today?" he nods while stuffing his face.

" We going right?" I mugg him as he talk with a full mouth mark ing him do the same.

" Calm down Ike n' Turner, and hell yeah we goin'!" Isaiah comes in dapping up Derrick making me roll my eyes. Right behind him was Fallon and Amarion with there plates in hand.

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