Chapter 21

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Zachery AKA Zay in the mm 😈

Marquees POV

Later that day....


       " Aye so if I break up with a girl and get with her sister, does that mean I'm cheating?" Joseph ask me as me and Donté get weak as fuck. I take the blunt from him and hit it twice before I give him my answer," The hell you mean? Bro where is this coming from?" He looks at me and just shakes his head." I'm just asking an out of the blue question and you know I do this when I'm high as fuck." I nod my head because its true while passing the blunt to Donté." If its a serious relationship then its considered cheating but if its not and you don't know anybody in her family then no." Donté say after he exhale the smoke and I nod in agreement. I check my phone to see 6 and its about time I go see my baby. I know she been bored all day so its a MUST." Y'all want to ride with me to Sonya's place?" I look to see Donté nod but turn to a head shake from Joseph." Nah bro I got to do the same thing, go check up on my Gal. Ill make sure the youngins cool too." he tell me as he hits the blunt and pass it back. He dap us up and leave out the car with Donté climbing up front." It might be big but its not no jungle gym." I tell him causing him to mean mug me then laugh.

    I turn on the bluetooth and connect it with my phone before I give the engine life then pull off. I press play letting Kodak Black Skrt boom through the speaker then sat it down in the cup holder. Donté passes me the blunt and I hit it one more time before putting it out and flicking it out the window. I raise all the windows down to let the car air out not really caring if the police smell it because they don't care. I peeped that they be getting high as hell while on the job. Donté turns the volume down and looks at me with questioning eyes and I roll my roll my index finger for him to ask me the question. I don't know why but he's not really a speaker unless he wants to be a part of a conversation." Is one of Sonya friends single cause a nigga tired of playing games with the hoes." I shake my head and chuckle." Man I tell you all of them paired up but I can ask them to look out for you though."" Right on bro. You just don't know that this dog life is not for me at all." he mumbles and sit back into his seat.

Sonya POV

     As Zay park his car in front of my house I start to gather my bags of food (Hot Wings,Chicken Salad and toasted ravioli) we both get out the car and I sat the bags on his hood. He good up onto his hood and looks and me with a smirk." Well." He say and I look at him with confusion written on my face." Don't forget that I won the bet earlier so where's my kiss." He pickers his lips and I scoff." You cheated so it don't count!"" I didn't though. If I leave it tells me that your not 100% with your words." I sigh heavily at his words. I did make a bet and I can't chicken out of it." I'm all actions!" I say as I do my official superwoman pose and he laughs." Never again." he say through laughter and I join him. As I calm myself down and go into my book bag to grab my red lipstick and apply It onto my lips. I near him and quickly peck his cheek making sure I leave my lip mark." He blushes and hurry into his car to hide his blush but it fails. I'm glad I got my bags down off the car cause a bitch don't feel like cooking. As I grab my bags, Marquees pulls up and a smile creeps onto my face when he jumps out." Hey Ba-"" Nah yo' bae just left with lipstick on his face. To think ill come to a girlfriend that's waiting on me just to see her kissing another nigga. Its funny cause I knew pretty boy was watching you too hard but why didn't I say nothing?" Anger and disappointment laced in his voice and I snaps. " First of all bring it down 3 notches cause your voice too high. If you ask me with respect why did I kiss him on his CHEEK, you'll be hipped to the point you won't be yelling at me now. You know what?" I chuckle before starting back up," When you're done jumping to conclusions like a child, come see me. Until then Goodnight Marquees." I pick up my bag leaving him dumbfounded heading up to my door unlocking it and walking in.

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