Chapter 19

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Donté and Marquees up there 👆

NOTICE All these lyrics cones from the top of my head made up by me 😋

Cameron POV

" Notice I'm the one that's in your dream,

Got you so tied up it makes me scream,

Making love to you is my big fear,

Cause when I wake up you won't be here,

So I realize its a game that your playing,

When I found out that your not the same,

Why do you try to hide your emotions,

Once an open heart that you closed in...."

    "Sonya sings through the Mic as she finish up her performance at our new gig. The lyrics was drenched with emotions and I couldn't hold the tears that threatens to roll down my face. The small crowd in the Café went crazy as she took a bow and I could see from the owner that he was impressed." Baby why do you always cry when someone finishes up a song?" D'Wayne ask me as he turns me around on his lap and I just shake my head." I don't know why but I can strongly feel the emotions that comes from the song." I tell him as he nods. You could say its from my father's side of the family because he grew up where one of the origins of music was made, the Bahamas. Even though he didn't have the chance to tell me which part, I always wanted to visit. See when I was 7, me and my parents had gotten into a terrible car crash but one as the only one to make it out alive because of the impact came from the front not the back. You know how you just shuts down feeling like you can't go on? That was me for a while until I met Sonya and D'Wayne.

(Ten Years Ago, Age 10)

       "But Grams why do I have to go? It the end of the school year so its really no point in going!" I tried to reason with my grandma but she wasn't having it. She wanted for me to go to the talent show that was held at the city park today to try and make some friends. When my parents died I broke. I use to be the girl that stood out and made friends with everybody but it changed. I was the girl that everybody wanted to play with at recess but it stopped. I was the kid in class that competed against my piers to get the highest grades but they dropped. Everything went down the drain for me when that car crash happend. Those teens should've been studying instead of drinking under the influence. Yeah I know what that means, I'm not that little and clueless but I don't want show it. I guess you can say that I don't care anymore." Cammy-" what she calls me," I don't want to hear it anymore. You've been off lately and no grandchild of mines going to me gloomy."" Grams I'm your only grandchild at the moment." I tell her rolling my eyes but not for her to see." Can you just do it for your parents? I know that they don't want you to be sad that there gone, just the opposite. If you do it for me and you don't like it I won't pressure you anymore." she tell me and I sigh but nod my head." Okay but you have to make me parmesan chicken for dinner." I tell her making her chuckle and nod.

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