Beat Down Savior

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Excuse the mistakes 💯

Amarion POV

Continued Final pt...

  The time reading 11:52am, I wake up due to Sonya texting me telling me to meet her downstairs in the lobby in 30. Replying, I get up and head towards the bathroom doing my hygienes and skipping the shower since I did that late last night. Throwing on some Nike sweats and a wife beater I grab my jacket and slip on my slides heading towards the door. Hoping off the elevator I quickly spot her sitting on one of the couches busying herself with her phone. She had her hair pulled into a high ponytail with some black leggings and a blue jacket zipped halfway." You're ready?" she ask not looking up at me and I nod. To her response she gets up door grabbing up the duffle bag next to her and we head out towards the parking lot. She unlock the door to a 2016 Nissan Altima, a rental I guess, and we both hop in. When did she have the time to get a rental, I don't even know but oh well.

    " Where we heading?" I ask her as she start the car and pull out the lot." To get my man back and beat the sleeves off that dirty bitch." her eyes twitch and Lucas said when that happen she not playing no games. Me knowing not to mess with a girl when she mad I leave it alone looking at passing cars. To think that a girl can be that thirsty for some dick that haven't been laid on her sad. She deserves to get that  ass beat and she no where near ugly so I want to know why is it that deep? I never even witnessed a crazy ex girlfriend due to me being in only 4 relatio-nships my entire life. Gladly they all ended with both parties (me and the female) coming to the agreement that it wasn't going to work out. Even with Ashanti it ended on food terms because I sat her down in person instead of doing some childish shit like eding it over a call or a quick text. We both agreed that when we're out of college and single then we'll give it another shot other than that we are friend based. She truly is my first love and I would always have her heart and she has mines. Enough with that Mushy Mushy shit. BTTS!

   " We're here." she say and I look ahead to see us pulling up to a nice looking town houses as she cut the engine." We not gone act yet were doing a steak out. I honestly didn't want to bring anyone else, not even Lucas. Why? No comment but I just feel like you're my rider for this one." I nod understanding yet confused. Out of the 10 of us she chose me. Not Donté, not Joseph, not none of the rest of them but me. Lemmie get comfy. I put my seat all the way down and out on my headphones letting Future Use to This pour out and surround me. I really don't understand why I'm not like other dudes that listen to 21 Savage if Kodak Black and all that. I would rather hear something that you can relate to like Tory Lanez, someone like him. Shit even Lucas music better then that stuff but some of they songs do be lit, no lie.

   Half sleep I get shooken back awoke seeing that Sonya was watching someone causing me to follow her gaze. I look to see that Chardneé girl getting into the car parked across from us and driving off some-where." C'mon." was all she said as she grabs the bookbag and make her way out the car I do the same. Following her across people yards and up some stairs she pulls a bobby pin out and squat down to pick the lock." How the hell you know how to do shit like this?"" Not all princesses have innocent backgrounds. I'm just playing, I use to do this when my nosy ass wanted to sneak in my parents room around Christmas time to check out the gifts." I chuckle as she sends me a smile then continue. Finally hearing the lock click we enter the apartment that had lack of funerature. It was real nice but empty to the point that you could hear your echo.

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