Mia Mia!

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D'Wayne POV

    I just want to put it out there, having morning classes get to you. What I mean is that it's draining the energy out of you like a vacuum. Yeah in high School we had classes in the morning but this is different. We have to type for dear life and study like hell, who wants to do that all the time? At least it isn't one of those classes with 100 kids in it. We have about a good 40 and its no complaints from me. The lesser the better. I'm currently sitting in my anatomy lecture class with nobody I hang with on a daily. Of course I have people that want to associate with me but I don't give them my time. I'm a shy person so you have to catch my eyes to even want to talk to you. Don't even get me started on these girls that all want me for my voice and good looks. You could say my father's side of the family blessed me with a curse. As I listen to the professor writing down What I need, I listen in as the girl that sit next to me talk about campus gossip to her friends." Like who who won't want him? He's the topic of every girl on campus, I even want him." I girl in front of her roll her eyes." Well your not because I heard he has a girlfriend."" Who that Sonya girl?" yep now I'm all ears." I don't know. If they do They don't act like it. They seem to act more like-" the campus bell rings cutting her off and on glad. Its sad when all you do is come to talk instead of doing your work.

     As I walk out of the class I feel a light tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around already knowing who it was." Hey Mia!" I give her a warming smile causing me to blush. She's one of the people that caught my attention because she's even shyer than me but somehow she opened up to me. She smiles at me and join my walk to my next class." So have you started on something new?" I ask her and she pull out her design notebook out of her bag. Mia is majoring in fashion and it suits her. She stands out by wearing her own style that she created herself. I be seeing dudes come up to her but with her being the shy wreck she is, she never try something with them. She's cute but we don't see each other like that, its more of a boy-girl relationship. She flips to a page and I smile as she tells a story of what inspired her designs." So it's Independence Day and were at New York with a great view of the Statue of Liberty. Its time to light up the dark night with explosion of colours. Now I don't think it's possible but it could be but the outfit takes in the light and snow your wearing it." I listen with pleasing ears. She thinks outside the box with science evidenced in her theory.

    " What about you? Last Monday when you guys performed you said that your working on something new. Am I going to get a demo of that?" She smirks and I chuckle." I'll think about it. If I want to go but one day you could be the one to make my album cover." her chuckle but nods." How's Cameron?"" Same as always sweet but lowkey crazy." we Both laugh out at my statement." We'll talk about all that later." with that she walks to her class that's next to mines. I walk in and smile when I see my baby off in the coner. I take a seat next to her as she practically jump on me kissing me all over. I snake an a around her and pull her into a hug then kiss her forehead." I see you missed me." I tell her and she scoff." I think not! If anything you miss me." I chuckle but nod at her response making her blush." You got my Lifesavers?" I ask her because a nigga was hungry. She pull the gummie candy and my face light up like a kid. I kiss her before grabbing the bag from her and don't waist time in opening and smashing the candy.

    " Isn't that Donté over there?" Cameron say and I follow her gaze still munching on my candy." I mean it look like it but..." she start to type in her phone and I get confused. I look back at the dude and He starts to type away letting me know that's him. He looks over at us then get up and come our way taking a seat in front of us." I didn't know you went here."" That's because I just got here about a week ago. I would've been here at the beginning but I had some family issues and the Dean said I'll be cool." we nod as he turn back around giving the professor. professor back his undivided attention. An hour later class let out and we headed to the parking lot to meet up with Mia and go out for lunch. I spot her leaning into my Camero as she typed away on her phone." Damn who is that?" I hear Donté on the side of me and I chuckle. Cameron runs up to her and pull her into a hug laughing from her being suprised." That's Mia. Don't get mad when she act like she doesn't hear you, she the nervous type but worst." I tell him and he nod not taking his gaze off her as we get closer." Bae you driving?" I ask her and she nods." Where to?"" We can go to that one Diner down the street. I heard they have the best fries." Donté say and we all nod then hop into my car. The girls get into the front as we hop into the back." Oh yeah Mia that's Donté, Donté this is Mia." Cameron say and they look at each other before speaking. I chuckle to myself because it's clear that they like each other but I'm gone let it happen naturally.


   It doesn't take us long before we pull up to the Diner and from the car I could smell the food making my mouth water."Desii's Diner." I read out loud as we all get out and walk towards the entrance more like running cause its cold as hell. Once inside we all chuckle as we take a seat in a booth near the window. For this to be a diner it surely packed with people young and old We break into small talk surprisingly Mia was talking with Donté making me smirk while nudging Cameron to watch with me." Good Afternoon! I'm Amanda and I'll be your waitress." We all smile greeting her back." Okay here's your menus and you can call me when your ready. If you want me to I can start you off with your drinks?" We all nod. I order some pink lemonade, Cam gets some lemon ice tea, Mia gets coke with Donté ordering grape sparkling water. She writes everything down and leaves us to look through the menu." Ooooh the Pork chop smothers in gravy look so good!" Cameron face light up as she look at the picture." I know I'm having the spicy chicken salad." I look over at Mia as she lick her lips and I chuckle." Bro look at the chilli cheese fries! They not even stengie with them either." I chuckle and open up mines scanning through it. I look at the buttermilk chicken salad with the loaded cheese fries. Waitress Amanda comes back with our drinks then ask for our order and we happily give it to her.

    "They are toooo cute!" Cameron squeals in my ear and I push her away softly. She loves seeing other couples and it drives me crazy sometimes. She would get excited like she won the lottery and you can't do nothing to rain on her self parade. He have he blushing so hard that she's the color of my drink. She has Asian blood in her so you could tell. She has the skin complexion, the eyes, the long hair and height so you knows she's mixed with something. Donté probably mixed with something too. I guess I got to ask him later. About 10 minutes in talking about random stuff with Cam, Amanda returns with a guy carrying the tray that holds our food and hands it out to us. We thank her as she tells us to call us if we need anything. Cam doesn't waist no time digging in and I chuckle shaking my head. She doesn't care who's in the room, if she can't eat regularly she's not eating at all. Y'all should've seen her at my parents house when I first took her to meet them. She wasn't playing no games and it shocked my parents but the approved of it. They said they didn't like those girls that try and act cute while eating anyways." Donté do you have any talents?" Cam ask out of the blue and he nods while washing down the food that was in his mouth." I'm a nerd when it comes to computers." he tell us and our eyes get big. He doesn't look like the type to know all about technology, not saying that he can't but... Y'all catch my drift.

    "So a hacker right?" she say picking up some salad and stuffing it into her mouth as he nods." I want to major in criminal investigation. It suits my talent so it's only right." I nod in agreement. After a while we all finish our food and call Amanda over for her to total our food so we can leave. I'm so full that I couldn't even finish my fries, I had to pack the rest up in a container for later." You total will be $29.43." I dig into my wallet and give her three 10s and she go put it in the register. They all leave twenty dollars a piece as we all get up and head out to my car. When were all settled in Cam pull off going back to campus so they could go back to there cars and leave. Once we get back we all day out goodbyes and leave. Me and Can live together so we just switch spots and she jumps into the passenger seat while I drive." Do you think they are going to get together?" I look over at her for a slight second before tuning back to the road." I seen her give him his number so of course." she chuckle but nods then sit back in her seat. I mean it's up to her to give him a chance. The look they give each other talks but the heart could say otherwise. If her mind and heart agrees then go for it but if They speak differently she has to take the chances. Sometime it would end up the right choice and sometimes you know you fucked up. Its a 50 50 chance that you have to decide on all by yourself. I just hope Mia make the right choice...


👋I'm running out of ideas for my book. Its like I'll have this good idea that I have to stretch out to make it a good chapter💯 I guess I got to do some brain storming because I don't want to fast forward in time. I'm already jumped to 2017 💯 some I'm gone slow it down for a while. Keep reading and if you could tell people to read it. Much Love 💙



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