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Marquees POV

      " So what he say?" Donté ask me as I get back into the car. His ass knew we had a meeting with the big man (my uncle) but decided not to go in with us and sit in the car." Man he got a spot we to hit up. The rich hunkies playing with his mone and he want us to hit him up about that." Joseph say getting in the drivers seat and me in the back." So how he want us to do it this time?"" The UPS men." I say smirking because that's the best way to get in someone house. We all exchange looks then start to smirk evily as Joe pull off to the garage. I pull out my phone to FaceTime my baby even though I been away from her for about an hour and a half.

" Hey baby!" she say in her sleepy voice still in the bed and I chuckle.

" Man you still in bed? Don't you got classes today?" I ask her and she roll her eyes.

" I do but that's in the afternoon. Where you at?"

I change the camera to the back," Say hey niggas!" they turn for a second and wave making her chuckle." We on our way to work."

" Is it fun working? I mean I never had one..." I see Joseph mouth drop from the tier view mirror and I laugh." Are you serious?" he ask her.

" Yep. I never needed one because my parents make that money and you know he spoiled me."

" So your one of those stuck up chicks?" Donté ask looking at me and I turn the phone to him.

" Do I come off like that Donté?" he put his hands up and no chuckle then turn the phone.

" Baby imma call you later when we off, kay?" we pull up to the garage and hop out the car.

" Okay see you later." she give me one of her million dollar smiles and my heart skip a beat, the thing it only do with her.

      The video call end as we enter the garage going straight to the dressing room. I mean this man have costumes A-Z. Whatever you looking for its in this room and you will be satisfied. We all change then go to the UPS truck and hop in. Since Donté have the innocent face, it would be easy for him to get the man to open up the door. Then we would be carrying his box ( We won't be doing this if he wasn't expecting a package, lets be serious) and you know how lazy the rich hunkies are so we will carry the box inside. The boss man told us no one would be home with him so it makes it easier for us. See Joseph is the hitman, he will kill you on sight if nessesary and he won't miss shooting with anything. I'm the muscles so I get to hit anyone when ordered to. If course I'm not hitting anyone under 18 but over that you getting slept, literally. Donté is the infiltrator, meaning that he can get anyone to trust him. Also he's the computer wiz hacking anything he put his mind to. Crazy right?

      " Stop daydreaming, its time for action." Joseph say heading into the back. Donté pull out his computer and start typing like his life depends on it and I chuckle. I get out to open up the truck from the outside for us to get the packet out. Opening up the back Joseph pulls the box to the edge and hop down to take one side of the box as I take the other. We head up the walkway to see Donté talking to the man holding out the clipboard for him to sign it. He motion us to come up the steps with the packet then we all enter the house. Show time? We put down the box then Donté closes the door." Special delivery from the boss man." I say as I uppercut the man sending him straight to the ground. He wince in pain while holding his stomach, eyes wide like saucers. I dial up my uncle putting the phone on speaker and he picks up immediately." Great job boys. So Mr. Jacob why haven't I receive my money yet? I know every move so I know you have my money. So where is it." My uncle voice even gives me chill. How calm he talks and how emotionless it is will scare you." I-I was ju-st about to give one o-of you men a v-isit." fear is laced in his voice making my uncle laugh. You know how the joker laughs right? One of those laughs."The button button that next to your safe doesn't work. Just to give you an heads up." he say and I can feel him smirking devilishly through the phone.

Just Wait On Me (Unedited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz