Chapter fifty-six

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•Brook's POV•

When I went back home everyone was still sleeping. I was lucky because if they weren't I don't know what I would have said. I changed into my pyjamas and went to bed. I texted nick making sure he was okay. He told me he was going to sleep. I wanted to sleep too but I just wasn't in the mood to. You know that feeling when you want to sleep, you go to bed and all but you just can't sleep. You start thinking about life. You start wondering how things could be different. And right now I couldn't be more grateful of what I have in my life. I seriously can't sleep because I'm so grateful for everything.
I have my parents: they've been through hell and back for me, to make sure I was safe.
I have Ty: he's my bro and best friend. I don't know how I would have been through this last year without him by my side even when I pushed him away.
I have Nick: my new boyfriend and also best friend. I honestly don't think I would be where I am right now: safe and happy; if it wasn't for him. He fought for me when I couldn't anymore. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I hope we go a long way together.
And, I have Ava: true, we're not that close but she's a good person and friend. And I want to keep her in my life because even if it's weird to admit, it is good to have a girl friend.
About Dylan I don't know what's going to happen but I hope things are going to be okay. I hope we could at least be friends again. I know it's hard to be friends with your ex but we weren't that serious. We didn't go out for a long time so I guess I'll have to see with him and Nick. And I don't want to ruin their friendship. But one sure thing, I want to talk to Dylan because I hate how we ended things on bad terms.

I ended up sleeping all day. That's what happens when you don't sleep until the morning. For a second I forgot what had happened during the night. But as soon as I remembered, I called Nick.

"Hey." He picked up.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sleepy." He chuckled. "And hungry. How about-"
"Brook get your ass out of bed! Oh who are you talking to?" Ty yelled barging into my room.
"Nick I'm gonna call you back."
"How about you get up and all and just come over? We can chill." He suggested.
"Yeah okay. See ya." And I hung up.

"So Nick huh? Talking to him first thing when you wake up? Tell me what's happening." Ty wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"We're kind of going out. I was gonna tell you today so here it is." I smiled.
"Really? Since when?!"
"Well, I'm happy for you sis! He's a good guy. And if he does anything to hurt you-"
"You'll kick his ass I know Ty I know." I laughed.
"Don't make fun of me!"
"Ok now get out." I smiled and got up as Ty closed my door behind him.

After getting ready I told Ty I was going to talk to Dylan and then go to Nick's.
I rang Dylan's doorbell once, no answer. Twice, still nothing. Three times, no answer. So I called him.
He didn't answer. I texted him and then he left me on read. Now I understood. He was ignoring me. I kept on ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door until he opened it.
"What do you want Brook?" He said annoyed.
"I wanted to apologize and see if we could talk about everything that has happened. I didn't want it to end that badly between us. Especially that I'm now-" he cut me off.
"That you're now going out with my best friend. I know Brook. He told me. And I have no problem with him because bros before hoes right?" He raised and eyebrow and that's when I completely lost it. I slapped him.
"If you don't remember, you were the one who left me! I didn't leave you! And don't you ever call me a hoe!" I yelled at him.
"Okay maybe I deserved that."
"You're just fucking stupid. And I thought I could actually talk and see if we could be friends for Nick. Wow. I shouldn't've expected this from you. I'm out." I said and turned around to leave and not waste another second with him.
"No wait. You're right. We could try to be friends for Nick. But I can't promise anything."
"Yeah same here." I sighed and left. I can't say he didn't disappoint me but I can't say I didn't expect something like this either.
Ok so maybe it wasn't what I wanted but we can try. Trying is still better than nothing right?

After ordering pizza Nick and I went to the basement and put an episode of Friends.
"Nick are you okay?"
"Yeah why?" He looked up at me. I was laying on the couch and he was laying perpendicularly to me with his head on my stomach.
"No reason." I smiled and started playing with his hair. I then told him what had happened with Dylan earlier and his answer was "you're just the best." I held his neck and brought his face closer to mine. We would one at a time move half an inch closer to another until there wasn't any space left between us and our lips touched. At that moment I really felt explosions and fireworks in my stomach and I knew I really really loved him. He then got up without breaking the kiss and sat next to me. He tried pulling me in his lap but he groaned in pain because of his shoulder.
"Shit are you okay?" I asked in concern.
"Yeah it's just annoying." He looked at his shoulder.

After the pizza finally arrived, we ate and watched a movie. I then went back home and told my parents about my new boyfriend. And for once in a really really long time, life was going great.

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