Chapter eight

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•Brook's POV•

I woke up to The Only Way Is Up from Martin Garrix and Tiësto. I took a quick shower, got ready, ate breakfast and left at 8. I wanted to walk around the house and get to know the neighbourhood.

I arrived at the little lake Dylan took me to and it was so peaceful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. After looking at the sky for a good couple of minutes I thought I should get to school so I started walking.

Two or three streets away from my house I saw Nick walking. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't want him to think that I like him even though that's what playing is like.. I then zoned out trying to figure out wether to talk to him or not, when I was brought back to reality:
"Brook!" Nick shouted.
Great I thought.. (Sarcastically) "Nick!" I said copying him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Just walking." I said.
"Oh I see.. You're stalking me." He smirked.
"Yeah sure Nick. I don't have anything better to do than to stalk you." I said sarcastically.
"Why can't you take a joke? You're so boring Brook." He said still smirking.
"Oh it was a joke? Sorry but it wasn't funny." I said between my laughs.
"Ha. Ha. Ha." He faked a laugh.
I continued laughing and he was just looking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Because this was supposed to be funny..?" He asked.
"I know right! I'm so funny!" I said and he was now laughing too.
"See!" I added.

I guess I forgave him. Even if I wanted to stay mad at him, I couldn't. We resemble each other a lot, and he just wouldn't let me be mad at him. I think it's the same for him. He couldn't stay angry at me for a long time.. I think.

We had stopped laughing and were walking when he asked " So anyway what are you really doing here before school?" .
"I wanted to get to know the neighbourhood." I said.
"Wanna see where my house is?" He asked excitedly.
"Yeah it's whatever with me." I said.
He stopped walking, lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes.
"What did I tell you about whatevering me?" He asked getting closer to my face. My face was burning hot and my heartbeat was getting faster and louder. I could feel it beating against my chest like crazy. What the hell was happening to me?! But even if I was struggling, I managed to say "Yeah Nick what did you tell me? I have a bad memory. Forgot?" . I was smirking at him.

He let go off my chin and I felt relieved. I don't know from why but that's how I felt. I can't say I didn't like the feeling of him touching me, or my face. But it's not something I enjoyed either..

"What are you thinkin' about?" He asked.
"Nothin'." I replied.
We crossed the street, passed by a couple of houses and then Nick shouted "Ta da!" Pointing at his house I guess.
"Shit you're really close to my house." I said surprised.
"No shit.. Dumbass." He laughed.
"Yo by the way, how did you know where I lived? Like the other day when you came by." I asked him.
"I was talking to Dylan on the phone just before your parents went to visit his." He said.
"Yeah.. And?" I asked confused.
"Really?" He asked annoyed.
"Yeah tell me. It's creepy." I said.
"I was just talking with him and he told me that his new neighbours just pulled in the driveway and he saw you getting out of the car and he was like 'oh the girl is pretty!' And the next day I knew it was you when I saw you with him." He explained.
"Ok but you didn't know about Ty?" I was curious.
"Nope. He only talked about you so the next day when I saw you with him, I didn't know he was your brother.. I thought a hot girl like you must be taken. Now can you stop with this interrogatory." He said.
"A hot girl like me huh?" I smirked.
"Yeah you already know I think you're hot. Don't play dumb with me Brook." He said.
"Bitch I don't play dumb!" I said and punched his shoulder playfully.
"Come on let's get to school. It's already 8:45." He said.
"Okay." I said and we headed to school.

We went directly to class, which we had in common and we arrived just when the bell rang.
The teacher looked at me with disgust in her face "Miss Hills, it's your third day here and you're already late?" She said.
I gave her a bitchy look and didn't say anything, I just sat next to Nick. He looked at me and whispered "Hey Brook are you okay?" He must have seen how my face changed when she talked to me like that. I really can't take it when people disrespect me.
"Whatever." I said.
"You arrive late to class and you don't shut up?" The teacher told me.
"What the fuck is her problem?" I whispered to Nick.
"Just ignore her. She's a bitch." He said.
"What did you just say?" She asked looking at us but mostly at me.
I didn't answer.
"Usually when we arrive late we say sorry and ask if we can come in." She said with her bitchy voice. Everything about her was bitchy and annoying.
I got up. Nick looked at me and shook his head telling me to sit but I told her "First, I didn't come late, I was in class when the bell rang. And second-" I was cut off by Nick shouting "Stooop!" . The teacher looked at him with a confused look and then at me. She turned towards the board and started the class.
"Brook what the hell?!" Nick shout- whispered at me.
"What?" I asked him annoyed.
"Forget it, we'll talk about it after." He said.
"You sound like my mom.." I said.
He didn't reply and we didn't talk much more during this period.

So guys tell me.. Team Nick or team Dylan? It's important for me to know your opinion!! I know it's still early in the story to tell but maybe you have an idea? Please let me know by commenting on this chapter! It would really help me writing the next chapters.

Thank you guys for the views, votes and comments! It means a lot and it's very encouraging! <3

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