Chapter fifty

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•Brook's POV•

I kept running and running until my legs couldn't support my weight anymore. I just collapsed on the floor. The world started spinning around me and I couldn't get back up. What the hell? Why am I so weak? Suddenly I felt a pair of arms under my knees and behind my back lifting me.
"Nick?" I asked weakly.
"No baby, better." A familiar voice said and just when I was about to look up to see who it was, I blacked out.

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I looked around but didn't know the place.
"Sunshine, you finally woke up." Someone said from behind me.

"What the fuck did you do to me and what the fuck am I doing here?" I yelled and got up from the couch where I was sleeping.
"If I were you, I would lower my voice and sit down." He said with a threatening tone.
"Well guess what honey, you're not. And I'm not scared of you. I'm on your side now Joey and you can't hurt me." I said confidently.
"Psht Psht." He took a few steps towards me and sat on the couch. "Don't mistake can and will. I CAN hurt you. But I won't. For now." He held my wrist and pulled me on his lap. I tried getting up but he was way stronger than me. "Calm down baby, it's all gonna be okay, as long as you don't go against me." I'm pretty sure I saw a reassuring smile on his face. Not the usual reassuring smile but it was one. Was Joey Lopez actually being nice with me?

"Joey, did you drug me?"
"Of course not. I just lightly hit you on the head and when you collapsed I carried you to one of the guy's house here. Me and the boys are staying here for the trip. You could stay too if you wanted." He offered while taking an ice pack from the coffee table and putting it where he hit me I guess.

"But why exactly did you have to hit me? You know, you could've just asked me to go with you. I really don't wanna be hit or anything. I'm with you now." I tried explaining.
"I know, look I'm sorry I won't do it again."
"Since when do you apologize?" I asked with an expression of pure shock.
"You have to give me a chance. I'm really not that bad when you get to know me. I promise." He said convincingly.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." I gave him a weak smile.
"Okay so we'll start our gang stuff once we go back to Alabama. I'm not leaving for New York anytime soon. Come on now, I'll take you back to the beach."

Our walk to the beach was strangely not awkward at all. It was even slightly comfortable. We didn't talk, just looked around and smiled at each other a few times.
"So, you'll be able to walk to the hotel on your own?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Yeah don't worry. I'll be fine." I said and walked away from him.

Just when I was about to enter my suite, I received a text from Joey "If you ever need anything, just tell me ;)" When I saw his message, I also saw eighteen missed calls and three text messages from Dylan.

I opened the door and saw Dylan pacing around the living room.
"Where the hell were you Brook? I was worried sick. Are you okay? Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" He shot at me all at once. I surprised myself by staying calm.

"You wanna know the truth?" I asked.
"How can you even ask me that?!" He yelled. He was obviously really mad.
"Well when you calm down, come talk to me." I really don't want to explain all that to him while he's mad. I know he's going to get even madder and he has the right to. I just don't want to be yelled at right now. I think it's enough drama for me in one day. I would appreciate a little rest.

"I'm gonna take a nap." I said as I went to the bedroom, changed into my pyjamas and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to Dylan stroking my cheek.
"Babe I'm sorry for yelling at you before." He said sweetly.
"Don't worry." I smiled at him but my smile quickly faded away when I remembered what had happened earlier today.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm just gonna tell you what happened this morning. So that you can get mad quickly and get over it quickly."
Dylan gave me a questioning look so I continued.
I explained everything to Dylan. Every single detail of the story. Everything. I felt relieved when I was done. But that feeling didn't last long enough.

"That's it Brook I've had enough. I'm sorry but it's over."
"You can't be serious! What did I do wrong??" I was on the verge of crying.
"Everything!! You did everything wrong! Do you realize that you're in a gang now? I can't just live like this. With the fear that I could lose you any day just because some bastard shot you or stabbed you or anything. I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore." He slammed the door after leaving the suite.
"For once I do the right thing and yet it's still wrong!!!" I yelled and threw the closest thing to me across the room. It was my phone (again). I knew he would get mad but not that much. I really thought I did the right thing here. I kind of was expecting him to be at least a little proud of me. Because I was actually proud of myself.

Right now I needed one thing and it was a friend. I would love to have Nick come over but I can't face him now. I don't know if Joey told him that I joined the gang so that he could leave or if I am supposed to tell him. But in both cases I'm not ready to face him. I'm to weak for this now.

"Hello?" Joey said from the other side of the phone.
"Joey, I-I kinda, uhm.." I couldn't even finish my sentence.
"I'm on my way." He said and hung up.

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