Chapter six

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•Brook's POV•

Third period ended and I was now heading to my locker to put my backpack and go to lunch. I took my phone out of my bag and put it in my pocket which made me remember to look at Nick's note. It was written "Meet me at the bleachers at 4?" With a phone number on it. I suppose it's his. I sent him a text saying "Can't at 4. Is 12:30 okay?" . Dylan and Ty came to their lockers (which are next to mine).
"How was class sista?" Ty asked.
"Okay." I said. "Can we go eat? I'm starving!"
"Actually, some boys on the football team wanted me to join them today, bye!" Ty said and left.
"Do you wanna eat on the grass in front of the school?" Dylan asked.
"Sure but in 30 minutes I gotta go do something." I said. I took my sandwich out of my locker. Dylan did the same and we started walking.
We sat under a tree to hide from the sun.

"So you're still down for Thursday right?" He asked trying to start a conversation.
"Yep. I'm excited! I haven't worked out for like two weeks." I said.
"Hum... Yo what's the thing you have to do in 30 minutes?" He hesitated.
"I just have to meet with someone." I said. I don't like exposing my life to people, especially people I'm not close with.
"Nick?" He asked.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked a little annoyed.
"I don't." He said.
"Okay.." I said.
"I just don't want you getting hurt by him." He said.

•Dylan's POV•

She looked at me grinning.
"What?" I asked her.
" You should more worry about him than me." She laughed.
"So you play huh?" I asked laughing.
"Depends what you mean by that. For me respect is very important so I have my own 'game' so that people still respect me. It's complicated." She said.
"We still have time if you wanna tell me more about that." I said.
"I'm fine thanks though." She laughed.

She makes me want to know her. To know her game, and to know why she even plays. She was so mysterious, it was starting to kill me inside. I want to know every little detail about her.

We had finished eating when she asked "Do you wanna walk a little?"
"Sure." I said and got up.
I helped her get up and we just started walking around school. It was beautiful outside, the sun was still shining but it wasn't as hot as before.

•Brook's POV•

We were walking, when I got a text from Nick "Forgot me again?" You really have a bad memory XD" I laughed at his text because I do have a bad memory. I saw it was 12:33 so I said bye to Dylan and left. I jogged to the bleachers. It didn't even take me 5 minutes and I was already sweating a little. I went under the bleachers and saw Nick on the phone.

•Nick's POV•

I was talking to Dylan, he had just called me.
"Yeah ok so tell them to come at 8." I said.
"But don't tell her. I wanna invite her." He said.
"I won't! Bro do I have to swear??" I said annoyed.
"Bye." He said and I hung up.
Dylan is way too into Brook. It was starting to get annoying. I don't even know how?! The girl's been here for like 2 days and he hangs out with her brother most of the time.
I can't say she isn't pretty. Plus that body she has.. But how can he be into her that quickly..?

•Brook's POV•

He hung up and came to hug me. I pushed his chest to remind him that I was still mad. Shit... I could feel his pecs!! They're hard! After I had removed my hands, I looked down at his body and noticed that his pecs had like the perfect shape. I have to admit. He has a 'hot bod'.
"You're done checking me out?" He asked smirking.
"You wish." I said.
"No baby, I know." He said and winked.
I shook my head a little and said "So, what did you have to say?" .
"Ok so, yesterday when I acted like a jerk.. It was because... Well my friends and I like to play games. We just buy vodka, play the games and drink. It seems really stupid and I understand if you're mad.." He said and started looking at the floor like he was ashamed.
"Yeah I think it's stupid, but you shouldn't be the one saying it. You play these games so be proud of it. You can't be ashamed of it and expect people to look at you as the strong guy or whatever. If you put yourself down, people will look at you like you're dumb. You have to own your games and show them you don't care what they think. Yeah now you're apologizing. But you still shouldn't have said that it seemed stupid." I said and he was looking at me with big eyes and he had an expression on his face showing that he thought I was crazy.
"If you say 'I know you think it seems stupid' it's not the same as 'it seems stupid'. Own it!" I continued trying to convince him.
"Wow." He clapped his hands.
"Shut up." I said and pushed his chest once again.
"Aye! You're hurting me!" He shouted with a little girl's voice.
I laughed like crazy.
"You know you punched me really hard yesterday! I'm not even kidding!" He said.
"Yeah.. About that. I'm sorry.. And yeah I know a 'sorry' won't make it all better but you really pissed me off and disrespected me and when people do that to me, I do crazy things." I said.
"Yeah I saw that.." He said looking uncomfortable.
"Oh and thanks for not letting me punch that bitch!" I said.
"Can I have a hug?" He smiled-pouted.
"Nah." I said and sticked my tongue out.
"Fine, we'll see about that later." He raised an eyebrow.

Wait.. Are we playing with each other? Is it even a game or not? I'm so confused. For me, everything is a game or a challenge. But now I was actually questioning it..

"Brook!" He snapped me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I said still trying to figure out if all this is a game or not.
"We should go to our lockers and head to class. It's 12:52". He said.
"Yeah sure." I said.

We started walking and once we got inside. I asked him where his locker was. He showed me and it's not too far from mine. We went our separate ways to ours lockers and I headed to my next class, English.

I saw Ava sitting and there was an empty seat next to her so I took it. We started talking and I learnt she's different from all the girls, not the same way as I am but she's also anti-drama and anti-bitch. We agreed that after school we'll go directly to the mall and that she'll come home after. I texted my mom to let her know but as soon as I got my phone out of my backpack Ava started laughing. Apparently I was trying too hard to be discreet, which was hilarious and not discreet at all. We laughed and continued walking until class was over. We headed do our next classes and it was finally 4.

Credits to :
SagalAhmed1 , Thanks for the inspiration.
piayared99 , thanks for the line "You punched me really hard".

Thanks guys for everything! I have 150+ views and it means a lot!! But please guys comment on my chapters! I'll wait until I have 2 comments and 4 votes on this chapter to update the next one. I'd really like to know what you think. It would really help! You can tell me what you liked or didn't like in the chapter. But no mean comments. Please guys!! It would really mean a lot!! And thanks for everything!!!!!💗

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