Chapter twenty

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•Zac's POV•

-The next day (Monday)-
It was now lunch time and I was waiting for Brook at her locker. I needed to talk to her. We ended up our friendship on really bad terms. And I transferred here to make it up to her. I want to apologize, but mostly, I want her to forgive me. I know it's not going to be easy but I know her and I know that before tomorrow she'll be talking to me like nothing bad ever happened between us. I'll just have to work my magic on her, or should I say, my plan..

Here she comes with Nick.
"Hey man you don't bother me stealing her for a bit." I told Nick.
"Brook?" He asked and looked at her.
"Fine, but Zac it's the last time you talk to me."
"Okay." I grinned as she put her stuff in her locker.

We started walking and as soon as we were far enough from Nick so that he couldn't hear us she yelled "what the fuck do you want from me?! You're fuckin' stalking me now?!!" .
I sighed "Please just for once, let me explain."
"Fine go ahead, 'explain' whatever you wanna explain." She mocked me.

We were now, I guess, what was under the bleachers. She sat on the ground and I just stood in front of her.
"Brook, I know I fucked up real bad. I know it. And I know even if I apologize a thousand times you're not gonna forgive me but please let me talk and don't interrupt me."
I waited for an 'okay', but nothing, so I went on.
"Since you left, well, since you had to leave because of me.. I've missed you so fuckin' much. My life is not the same without you. I thought maybe you would realize the same but you didn't and I get it.. I made you hate me. I was so dumb for snitching on you to the principal but I was so mad and in love.. Ugh I know it sounds so stupid but I guess that's what love does to you. It makes you stupid, blind and all this shit. I don't wanna make a declaration but I just want you to understand why I did what I did.." I looked at the floor.

"Yeah.. I'll never understand Zac." She said as she got up and started walking away. The way she said my name made me want her even more. I ran after her and softly held her wrist. She looked up at me and smiled.I think she didn't mean to but just did. I smiled back and leaned in, I then noticed that she had her hands on the back of my neck and also started to lean in. We were then kissing. There was so much passion in this kiss, it was amazing. It wasn't like the thousand girls I had kissed before.. It was different. It was finally with the girl I have wanted for the last 2 years.

After a couple of minutes, she pulled away from the kiss and mumbled something and started running. I just stood there like a fool.

Wait, does she have a boyfriend? Maybe things are happening faster than I thought with Nick..? If this is it than I'll have to do my shit to keep him away from her..

•Brook's POV•

This can't just have happened. How did I kiss him? And the real question is how the fuck did I enjoy it?? It felt so right.. There was so much passion in this kiss, but it couldn't be real. I don't cheat on people, I just can't. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not a whore..

I ran back to my locker to talk to Nick and clear everything up.

"What the fuck?!!" I yelled.
"Oh.. Brook?" Nick turned and saw me. He had lipstick all over his face.
I could then really see who the girl who was eating his face was.

"Sprite girl?! Really Nick.." I said disappointed and left. I walked back to the bleachers. I was actually a lot more calm than I thought I would be. I didn't even give a fuck about this. Fuck, I'm even happy about it, I feel relieved!

"Zac?" I asked as I arrived to the bleachers. He was sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette. This reminded of so many things, but it wasn't the time to think about it.
"Yeah?" He scratched the back of his neck as he put out his cigarette and got up and walked towards me.
"Sorry.. I ju-" I cut him off.
"Shut the fuck up for once and-" he cut me off this time.
The next thing I felt were his lips on mine. The passion was back and stronger. Our hands moved everywhere on each other's bodies. There was so much passion it was killing me.

After a couple of minutes we pulled away. He rested his head on top of mine, since he was a lot taller than me, maybe a 5'11.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked so softly.
"Yeah?" I said unsure.
"Brook.. You have to be sure."
"I am baby." I smiled and hugged him.

We walked to our lockers hand in hand. Some people eyed us but I didn't care and Zac obviously isn't the type of person who cares about what people think of him. We then ate and headed to class. We had next period in common.

Credits to AssadRaad

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