Chapter twenty-four

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•Brook's POV•

Oh my Gosh.. I just cheated on my boyfriend!!How the hell did this happen??! I can't! How?? Noo! How...

I was now leaning against a tree near the forest, crying my eyes out.

I'm not a cheater! I don't do this shit... That's why I never had a boyfriend I guess. I'm not ready. Fuck, I..

I turned and saw Nick standing next to me.
"Get away from me!" I yelled at him, still crying.

•Nick's POV•

Did I do this to her? Fuck..
"Brook I'm so sorry. I didn't have the right to kiss you like that. I'm so sorry.. I'll do anything to make it up to you." I told her.
"Don't be sorry.. It's my fault too. I'm just so fuckin' disgusted of myself!! I don't know what to do! I-" I cut her off.
"Brook! Stop it. You don't have to do this to yourself. I shouldn't've kissed you, that's all." I looked down at my feet.
"Look I fuckin' enjoyed it! I enjoyed kissing you more than kissing Zac! So don't tell me I have no reason to be disgusted of myself, because I do! I hate myself! I'm a fuckin' whore!!" She yelled at me as she started crying again.
I so hate seeing her like that.

•Brook's POV•

He didn't say anything, probably thinking I was right..
He then pulled me into a big hug.
"Shut up. You're not a whore Brook. You make people respect you and you respect yourself so much. You're not a whore. You're the opposite." He said softly.
What is the opposite of a whore?... Anyways, I don't know what I should do. I don't want to break up with Zac because of this but I can't hide it from him. And if I tell him I kissed someone he's going to go crazy, especially if I tell him that someone is Nick.. He's going to beat him up again and I don't want this to happen. It's unfair because it's my fault too.. I fucking enjoyed it. I hate myself so fucking much!

"I think we should get ready for next period." I said as I walked back to school. I didn't let him say something back. I didn't want him to say something because he's too sweet to me.. I don't like this. Not that I don't like sweet people, but he's sweet in a weird way, I can feel it. There's something odd.

I was now in second period, which I had in common with Zac. We sat next to each other in the back of the class, not that I was comfortable but I couldn't do anything, otherwise he would get suspicious.
"Babe what are you thinking about?" Zac asked me, looking me straight in the eyes.
I looked up at him and his burning eyes were looking into mine. I couldn't lie to him.
"Fuck, look I kissed someone.." I said as I looked down at my notebook.
He took a deep breath.
"I'm so sorry Zac.. I-"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Look I get that you're mad but a little respect-"
"You're the one talking about respect?!!" He yelled and the whole class including the teacher heard him.
"Really man?" I said as I gathered my stuff, excused myself from the teacher and got the hell out of this class.

I rushed down the hall and went to my locker. I threw all my stuff in it and headed outside. On my way outside I heard Zac yelling my name. I didn't answer and just kept on walking.
He knows how bad respect means to me, what the hell went through his head?!

•Zac's POV•

I fucked up.. Again. I don't get how I keep on screwing things up with the only girl I really care about. She's the one who cheated on me.. But she came and told me, so I guess it's okay?
I know I insulted her by telling her that she was the one talking about respect... I know how much respect means to her. I guess I also owe her an apology.
"Brook damn it stop!!!" I yelled.
"What Zac? What do you want from me??" She yelled back.
"I wanna talk." I said calmly.
We walked to the little forest and were leaning on trees, facing each other.

"So?" She asked annoyed.
"You're fuckin' kidding me right?" I asked pissed.
"You said you wanted to talk."
"Oh I see.. You're starting your attitude. Fine you bitch go ahead." I told her.
Fuck... I just direspe...

"Owww what the fuck?!" I yelled at her, after she had just punched me on the cheek.
"Fuckin' asshole!" She said as she threw another punch.
I knew by tomorrow I was going to have bruises. Anyway, I'm used to having bruises, red knuckles and all this shit so it's not a big of a deal.
She was going to throw another punch when I held her wrists with one of my hands.
She looked right through my eyes.

"Zac.. Oh Gosh I can't believe I just did that. I'm so.. Fuck! No!" She said as she started becoming angrier than before.

I then slammed my lips onto hers and she kissed back. It maybe was our most passionate kiss yet.

•Brook's POV•

This just feels so right... This kiss was definitely the most passionate one yet. It's just crazy how Zac can make me go from angry to happy in only a few seconds.

We were now laying on the ground. He was on top of me and we were kissing for maybe 5 minutes. I don't know how it happened, but our tongues were now dancing together. He was rubbing my hips with his thumbs and it started getting intense when we were interrupted but his phone ringing.

"Fuck." He mumbled breathing heavily.
We got up and took deep breaths.
"Hello? .... Yeah .... No, No.... Okay. Bye."
"So what's up?" I asked him.
"My cousins are leaving for New York this week so I'll have the house to myself for the whole summer." He grinned.
"That's cool!" I smiled at him. "By the way, I'm really sorry about what I did.. Well everything I did.. I feel bad. I hurt you physically and emotionally.." I looked down.
"Don't worry, at least you were honest and you told me. And about you hitting me, it's okay.. I know how much respect means to you. Though the bruises.." He said and attached his lips to my neck and sucked on it.
"Little bastard." I laughed as I bit my lip.

We were now heading back to school. It's so crazy how things are with Zac. I honestly thought he was going to get mad but he didn't even ask who the guy was. Things are actually going really great between us, it even scares me a little.

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