Chapter thirty-nine

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•Brook's POV•

I arrived home, went to my room and tried to calm down. I don't even know why I reacted like this. Im with Nick, I love Nick and that's it. Why did I-? Ohh now I think I get it.. I'm not sure of my feelings for Dylan... Gosh I'm so lost! The first hours of my relationship with Nick and Dylan tells me he loves me! And the worst part of this is that I'm not even sure who I love!! Tomorrow I think I should talk about this with Ty. He always gives good advice.

With these thoughts in my head I drifted off to sleep.

"What the fuck?!!" I woke up looking for my phone. "Oh there you are."
I received 6 messages from Nick. Oh shit I forgot to tell him I got home. At least I did now.

The next morning I woke up, took a shower and got ready. I wanted to spend the day with Nick! I'll call him when I get ready. I decided that I'll just forget about what Dylan told me for now and enjoy life. Then when it comes back to my mind I'll think about it.

Well I don't need to call Nick:
From Babe ❤️: Good morning babe, I hope you slept well ❤️ I'll be there in 10 😘
To Babe ❤️: See ya ❤️

The funny thing is, I didn't even need to change his nickname on my phone because he put "Babe ❤️" when I first met him.. Funny right?

"Brook!!!" I heard Ty yelling from the other side of my door.
"Come in!" He sat next to me on my bed. "Good morning!" I grinned.
"You're in a good mood today. Good morning." He smiled back. "So what are you doing today?"
"I'm gonna spend the day with Nick."
"So you guys really are together?"
"Yes we are."
"Ok. Well I hope he's good enough for you and that he'll treat you right." He said but looked a little disappointed.
"Oh no.. Dylan told you didn't he??"
"Look I wanna talk about this with you really, but not now. I wanna enjoy being with Nick." I tried explaining.
"Ok I get it. But Brook you should be sure of your feelings and the sooner the better. Because then it might be too late." He seemed sad..
"Ty are you okay?"
"Yeah I Just have a feeling things are gonna get ugly." He sighed.
"With what? Are you and Ava okay??" I'm worried about him now.
"Yeah we're great. It's about you that I'm worried."
"Please just don't think about it. But should I tell Nick what Dylan told me??"
"No! They're best friends! It'll ruin everything."
"Okay, thanks. Bye." I said as I kissed his cheek.
"Whenever you wanna talk about it I'm right here Brook!" He yelled since I was already going down the stairs.
"Okay!" I yelled from downstairs.

Then the doorbell rang, as I opened it, Nick hugged me tight.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Hi." He smiled back.
"Come in." I said and we sat on the couch.

"Brook I'm going to the gym with the guys, I'll be back." Ty said.
"Hey man." He greeted Nick.
"Hey." Nick said back.
Ty then left the house.

"Stop smirking!" I said and lightly hit Nick's chest.
"So.. what do you wanna do?" He asked still smirking. I knew why he was smirking but it was soooo not happening.
"Wanna go for a walk and then swim?"
"Sure. We can tell Ty, Ava and Dylan to join us for the swim, what do you think?" He seemed excited.
"Yeah why not." I forced a smile.. Let me think Why not?..mhm maybe because Dylan fucking told me that he loved me last night and I'm not sure who I have feelings for.. but sure Why not. Ugh I'm so stupid.

We started walking towards the park in comfortable silence.
"So what did Dylan tell you last night?" Nick asked.
"What?" Does he know??
"When you went to see him, you told me it seemed important." He explained.
I sighed in relief. "Yeah.. Well you remember Joey right?"
"This son of a bitch.."
"He went and saw Dylan. He asked him personal questions about me so Dylan told him he didn't know me but then he threatened to hurt him and his family so he had to give him my number."
"Did he call you yet?"
"I've dealt with people like him before so please you have to tell me everything that happens with him okay?" He seemed really worried, like more than I am.
"Yeah. But let me remind you that I also dealt with people like him. Well him.. before so I kno-"
"Brook you fuckin' ran away!! Don't tell me you know how to deal with him!"
"Fine. Damn calm down.."
"Sorry.. I-I just don't want something bad to happen to you baby. And I don't want you to leave."
"I know." I said and looked at the floor. He stopped walking, took my hand and kissed me. Obviously I kissed back but then we were interrupted-
"Broook! Good to see you again." He smiled.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly.
"You know what I want." He replied as coldly as I was.
"And you're not getting it."
"Just think about it okay? You know deep down you want it. You want the power it's gonna give you. Just think about it okay?"
"Yeah, one sec." I paused. "I thought about it and I want you to fuckin' leave me alone."
"Ha you think you're smart. Tell me.. You still don't want me to hur-"
"Shut the fuck up and leave me and my family the fuck alone!!!" I yelled and punched him in the face. He only bent down a bit and held his cheek. He's strong and has experience in the fighting field..

"See! You're perfect for my gang. You're strong, you're a girl. Just think about it." And he winked at me.
Then, the next thing I saw was a fist flying towards his face. Nick punched him, hard. Joey fell to the floor.

"Nick stop!" I yelled and tried to pull him away from Joey. He kept on punching him each time harder than the last. Once he thought it was enough he got up from Joey and stood by me.

We started walking away from Joey but before even turning the corner I heard a gunshot.

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