Chapter twenty-six

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•Dylan's POV•

I was now in my basement watching TV, well I was more thinking about Brook, but to be honest, I didn't know what to think... I was mad at her, yes, but not because she kissed Zac. Because she ditched me to do it. She's the one talking about respect and all but she doesn't respect me or others in general.

I went upstairs to my room and as I walked to my window to close my curtains I saw Brook laying on her bed talking on the phone. Then her mother came in her bedroom and Brook hang up. I wonder what has been going on with Brook and her family lately. They haven't been talking much, even Ava and Brook haven't been hanging out together. I knew from the moment I saw Brook that she wasn't the girly girl type but still..

Except Ava, she doesn't have girl friends. Well I think she doesn't have friends at all because to be honest I'm starting to get sick of her attitude. Since she's been going out with Zac everything changed. She started smoking again and all. Tyler told me everything about her, he's worried sick and the worst thing is that Brook thinks he doesn't give a fuck. I get that maybe she's jealous because he's been hanging out with Ava a lot and that Ava too hasn't talked to her but she's exaggerating if she thinks her family doesn't care about her.

I said I'm getting sick of her attitude but the thing is that I kind of want to be with her. I want to be the one who she drops the attitude with... I want to be the one who changes her. I'm still not sure if it's only in a friendly way or it's more but I want to be this person who won't give up on her because I do actually see potential in her. Even though all the bad things she does, I can manage to see the cute good girl in her.

I was brought back to reality when my phone started ringing, it was Tyler.
"Hey man what's up?" I asked him.
"Dylan, I know I've been annoying you with all my family problems but-"
"Shut up, that's what friends are there for. Now go on." I said.
"I don't know what to do with Brook anymore. I-I .. I found 'things' in her bedroom.. And I'm so worried about her. We were supposed to come here to start fresh. No shit, no problems.. But it's worse than in New York." He said showing concern in his voice.
"What kind of things?"
"Man you know what I'm talking about. The same things that you have in your backpack but  you don't use.. Except that she uses it, I also found a guys T-shirt, I guess it's Zac's." He explained.
I'm going to get rid of that 'thing' in my backpack first thing in the morning.

"It's not that big of a deal, is it?" I tried to reassure him, even though I know it is a big deal.
"Yes it is!!! It's my little sister! All the smoking, drinking, and the shit she does.. It's all because of Zac!! In New York it was with him. We came here and we were all good until he came. I can't take it Dylan! And I can't do anything about it because I know he's crazy and dangerous." His voice broke as soon as he started talking about Zac.
"Okay, bro you have to calm down. I have an idea but I'm not sure if it's good or if it's gonna make things worse. I'm gonna think of it and tomorrow we'll talk. But Tyler, try and spend more time with Brook. She needs you. She also needs Ava but you know, since you've been dating, neither of you had been spending time with her. So she's been either fighting with me and Nick, or with Zac doing I don't know what."
"Thanks man. You're the best. See you tomorrow."
"Bye." I said and hung up.

•Ty's POV•

I feel so bad knowing that I wasn't here for Brook when she needed me.. From now on I'm going to be there whether she wants me to or not.

I also decided that I won't tell the parents about what I found in her room. I'm going to talk to her, well I'm going to try...

•Brook's POV•

When Dylan left, I just laid on my bed and talked to Zac on the phone. Then my mom told me dinner was ready, and weirdly Ty didn't eat with us. I was now watching a movie when my mom came in without knocking on my door.

"Young lady, we have some serious talking to do!!" She yelled.
I guess she just read the emails...
"You didn't knock." Is the only thing I managed to tell her.
"You've been skipping school! If it was only once or twice because you weren't feeling well, it wouldn't be a problem. But it's not! Almost everyday!! And you've also been expelled from many classes! What's all this about?!!" She yelled at me.
"I have better things to do mother." I said calmly.
"And now you're high?! Is that it??"
"No, mom. No, I'm not high. You know, it's so supporting to know your own mother doesn't trust you.."
"Brook.. Don't say that. I'm just disappointed but you know how much I love you. Yes, trusting you was hard after what you did in New York, but-"
"But nothing mom. We're not in New York anymore, we're here. It's different." I said, realizing I did do a lot of bad things..

"Don't you think I wasn't disappointed in myself too?" I asked her. My eyes were now filled with tears. I knew they were going to get out but I didn't want them to, because letting them out would mean I was wrong and that I can't be with Zac anymore. But I want to be with him.

I didn't realize I was crying until my mom wiped off my tears from my cheeks with her thumbs.
"Brook, honey don't cry. I know you're a good girl. I know somewhere in you, there is this innocent little girl that only needs permission to get out. But you know, in this world you're going to meet many kinds of people. There are the ones who bring out the worst of you, the ones who bring out the best in you, and those who bring out the most, of everything. And I can tell you that the ones who bring out the most, also bring out the best and not the worst." She said now playing with my hair.
"I've missed you so much mom. I can't believe the hell I put you through, I'm so so sorry." I said as I started sobbing again.
"Brooky honey don't say that! It was a hard time yes, but look where it brought us now." She smiled.
"Mom, I promise I'll stop everything. I won't lie and I won't do all the shit I did. I promise mom."
"I know sweetie, I know." She said and hugged me tight.

Now that I actually realize it, I have been the worst kid on the planet.. Not only the worst kid, but sister and friend. I feel so bad..

There's a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I yelled.
"Hey Brooky." Ty smiled as he entered my room.
"Tyyyy!!!" I yelled and jumped on him, hugging him. "I missed you so damn much." I said.
"Me too." He smiled.
"Wanna walk together to school tomorrow?" I asked him.
"Sure, with Dylan too?"
"Yep. Good night Ty." I said and hugged him.
"Good night Brook."

I was now laying in my bed, in the dark. Thursday had started, it was now 12:06. I knew exactly what I had to do today but there was actually one thing that I didn't want to: breaking up with Zac. To be honest, I was a little scared of how he was going to take it because I know that this guy, when he's mad, he's uncontrollable... I guess we'll see in a few hours.

I decided to text Ava: "Hey I know a lot have been happening lately. I wanna apologize and I'd like for us to hang out again sometime :)"
I guess I'll have an answer later, she's probably sleeping.

All the problems related to my parents or Ty are done. It's all good now. With Ava too I guess.
But now I have to fix things with Nick and Dylan, and to break up with Zac. And I also have to get rid of all the shit I still own...

I set my alarm and decided to sleep because today is going to be a long day... I'm so not looking forward to this.

Guys I just wanna tell you that I'm so thankful for all the views and also the votes. Thank you so much! I would also appreciate some comments please to know what you guys think of the story. Please it would mean so much to me. Thank you!! ❤️

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