Chapter thirty-two

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•Brook's POV•

Dylan looked so upset. I don't get him, he's so weird sometimes.. He just told me he cared about me, so I thought 'Great, he likes me', but then he told me I was like a sister to him... Ugh!

I am now home. We went to the garage, fixed the car and went home. We didn't talk during the car ride except when we said that the dance was fun and when we arrived and I said thank you. I took a shower and put on denim shorts and a black muscle tank. It was 2pm. I texted Ty and learned he spent the night at Ava's and was coming home later in the evening which meant Ava was busy too. I didn't want to text Dylan because of what happened... Things are just weird right now and I don't want to make them worse. I'm now sure I like him in more than a friendly way and that's a reason why I don't want to talk to him right now.

"Hey what's up?" I texted to Nick. Things with him aren't weird, just unclear so maybe it's time to clear them or maybe it's all in my head and things are actually normal.

"Nm u" was his response 20 minutes later.
I answered "nm" 35 minutes later because why not, he's doing his bitch then fine I'll do mine. Well actually it's more like: he's playing, then fine, I am too.

"Wanna hang out?" He texted almost directly after I sent my "nm".
"??" I wrote because, well, why not.
"The park in 10?" He replied.

I brushed my hair, put on my shoes and headed outside. No one was home so I didn't have to tell anything to anyone.

I arrived at the park and started looking for Nick.

•Nick's POV• (long time since I haven't done this one, hope you like it.)

When Brook finally arrived, I decided to prank her. She kept on walking and was now in the 'forest' part, between all the trees. I walked in order to be behind her and came closer to her. I covered her mouth with my hand and bit her neck softly. Her first reflex was to bite my hand, turn around and knee me between my legs.
"Aye!! Fuck!!!" I yelled.
"Oh My Gosh!! I'm so sorry!" She said with big eyes while holding me by my arms.
"Fuck Brook.." I said still bending because of the pain.
"Sorry.. But why the fuck would you do that?!" She yelled and started laughing like crazy.
"Stop it's not funny. It fuckin' hurts." I pouted.
"I'm sorry man."
I took a deep breath.
"It's alright. At least you have good reflexes..."

After a short silent moment she asked "So..?"
I chuckled and crushed her in a huge hug. She rested her head on my chest and stayed like that for quite a long time.

"Come on I wanna show you a place." She told me while taking my hand. She started walking.

"Where are you taking me?"
"You'll see!" She said still holding my hand.

After walking for a bit, we were next to the lake. She climbed on some rocks and sat on the higher one, I followed her.

When we sat, I put my arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Where have you been?" I sighed.
"Not around me.." I slightly turned my face to face her.
"Nick.. It's just, things between us have been weird and I... I don't know. It's like-"
"It's okay, I get it. No need to explain babe." I gave a her an understanding smile.
She smiled back and got up while offering me her hand. I took it and got up too.
"Let's go for a swim." She smirked devilishly.
"We can go to my house, or yours."
"No, here."
"Because!" She still had that smirk on her face.
"As you wish baby." I said and started removing my clothes staying in only my American eagle boxers.

"Pink boxers, nice." She commented.
"I know, thanks." I smirked.
She also removed her clothes, leaving her in a black bra and black boy shorts. She looked hot.

She then took my hand and counted "1,2,3.." And we jumped in the lake.

"Fuck, it's cold!" She yelled.
"No shiit!" I laughed.
"Ugh, shut up!" She lightly hit my chest.
"Come 'ere" I said as I held her hips and brought her closer to me. She put her head on my chest. She always does that, it's so cute. Her arms were around my neck, and it took everything in me, not to kiss her at that moment.

I knew that if I kissed her, it would get weird again. And it's the last thing I want it to be between us, weird. Besides, I don't have feelings for her. It's just my player side getting out again.

"Come on, let's get out of the water." She said.

"Uggh! My clothes are wet!" She complained after getting dressed.
"No reallyyyy? I wonder why." I said sarcastically.
"Wanna get changed and come to my house?" She suggested.
"So.. We meet back at my house?" She asked.
"No, come with me."
"Okay." She shrugged and we started walking.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" She asked once we were sitting on the couch in her basement.
"I don't know. Something funny?"
"Oh I know! Ride along!"
"Okay." I shrugged.

Halfway through the movie, she paused it and went upstairs. I followed her to the kitchen and she put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"So, I've heard you've been teachin' Dylan how to be a player." I smirked.
"Nah." She shrugged.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Well he asked me to teach him but it's not gonna work. He's not born one, unlike-" I cut her off.
"You...? Me...?" I raised my eyebrows, still smirking.

After putting the popcorn in a bowl, we headed back downstairs.
As she was going to press play, I took the remote from her hand.
"Give it!"
"Nope." I smirked.
"Why not??" She asked laughing.
"I have an idea."
"You get bored easily right?"
She nodded.
"Let's play a game, not that we're not already playing something... Ok, so we'll talk, text, flirt, have fun, be crazy and loud. But whoever falls in love first loses." I said unsure of her reaction.
"Game on bitch." She smirked and shook my hand.

Credits to JackieS408 , thanks for the idea!

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