Chapter twenty-seven

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•Brook's POV•

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I clicked on the snooze button and checked my texts. I had one from Ava: "Hey Brook I'm sorry I haven't been around. Yeah we should totally hang out. Today at lunch and after school at my place?"
I directly answered: "Sure :) see ya"
I then saw a text from Zac: "Don't even think about breaking up.."

What is it with this guy and threatening me... Well I guess we'll see about that later but one thing is sure, I won't be alone with him when I'm going to tell him the bad news because I don't know what he's going to do.

My alarm got off again and this time I got up and got ready. I knew it wasn't going to be a great day so I decided to wear something comfortable: ripped boyfriend jeans and a T-shirt.

I was now on my way to the park and it was only 6:56. I had decided to wake up early to get rid of my 'stuff'. I put them in my backpack in case someone was there.

Once I arrived to the park, I sat on a rock and tied up my little bag of weed on a stone with a rubber band. I looked at it for the last time and threw it far in the lake in front of me. I next took my last bottle of vodka and also threw it.

I knew it was the best thing to do but somehow I managed to be sad, probably because I knew that this time I wasn't going back to my old habits. And this meant that I was going to leave my 'old' life behind me... I felt good but sad at the same time. I couldn't explain how I was feeling because, to be honest, I didn't know. I hoped someone could come and help me, tell me things were going to be alright and that I could do this. I needed for someone to believe in me because I didn't. If I went back to my old habits once, then I would probably twice...

"Why are you up so early?" I heard a voice coming from behind me. I turned and saw Dylan walking towards me.
"Just thinkin'." I smiled at him.
"Come here." He said as he sat next to me on the rock.
"Why are you here?" I asked him.
"I like coming here in the morning. It's so peaceful." He smiled as he put his arm around my shoulder.
"You know I have a boyfriend right..?" I said as I looked at my feet.
"I know."
"Then why-"
"Sorry." He removed his arm and just put by his side.

I was still going to break up with Zac, but no more cheating. I'm not a cheater and especially not a whore.

"You know you did the right thing Brook. Everything's gonna be fine." He smiled innocently.
"And how do you know that?!" I snapped at him.
"Because. I just do." He looked at the floor. I could tell he was trying to hide something.
"Yeah, sure.." I looked away from him.
"Look I just need you to trust me with this, please?"
"How do you want me to trust you if you don't trust me?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, fine. You wanna know my story? Here it is. I was just like you Brook. A few years ago, when I first met Nick, him and his friends smoked, drank and played those stupid little games, and I thought 'why not' so I started fucking up real bad. Things started to fall apart. I didn't talk to my family for maybe half a year because of all the shit I hade done. At first I was happy, even a little proud but time started to fly and I actually became ashamed of myself.. Then I realized I had to stop everything, so eventually I did. And here I am now.. And look where Nick is, still doing his shit. He's my bro and all but I don't get why he doesn't stop." He explained.
"I do. I get it." I looked straight into Dylan's eyes.
"Tell me."
"This is what keeps him alive. He wants to have fun. When he grows up, he wants to remember the shit he did as a teenager and the fun he had while doing it. These are the fun stories I guess.."
"Maybe they are but they're not gone. They're memories you'll probably never forget. But only memories Brook, nothing more." He said with sympathy.
"Yeah, I guess." I smiled at him as I got up and started walking.
"See you at school!" I yelled.
"See ya!"

I was now back home. My parents and Ty were getting ready. I went upstairs and kept on knocking on Ty's door until he opened it.
"Calm down. What's up?" He asked relaxed.
"Ty, I did it! I got rid of the shit!! It's done! I'm finally over!" I jumped and clapped my hands.
"Calm down before they hear you." He guided me by my shoulders and sat me down on his bed.
"I'm so proud you!" Ty told me.
"Thanks Ty." I smiled.

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