Chapter fifty-five

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•Brook's POV•

I ran towards Nick. I tried talking to him but he could hardly say anything. When I turned around, they were gone. How could they do this?!! He shot him and ran away! What am I gonna tell the ambulance? And Nick's parents? And my parents?!

We had just arrived to the hospital when I got a message from Joey.
"If you want out it's your one and only chance. You don't say anything about what happened. Zac is fucking crazy he wasn't supposed to shoot him. Look I'm really sorry about everything and I promise Nick will be fine. He shot him in the shoulder it's not that bad. Zac has serious problems. We're gonna take care of it. We're gonna leave town and stop bothering you. Just don't say anything please. And I promise it will be the last thing you get from me. And you'll never see me again. Just text me ok if you're not gonna say anything. Good luck for everything Brook and sorry again from Zac and me because I know he's just not right in his mind. I promise we didn't plan on shooting anyone. I'm so sorry. Bye."

By now I was crying my eyes out. How did he dare say that Nick was going to be fine? He couldn't know! I'm not gonna answer until I have news about Nick. I honestly hope with all my heart that he's going to be okay. What happened is all my fault. I have caused so much trouble here that I wanted to leave so bad. But I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. When we left New York I promised myself that I was never running from my problems again. And I won't, especially not after all that Nick did for me.

"Miss, your friend requested to see you. He's doing okay." A nurse told me.
Nick is fine! He's actually okay!
I followed her and opened the door. I closed it behind me and sat on the chair beside him. I held his hand and started crying.
"I'm so sorry Nick for everything! I-I don't know how to apologize. If you never wanna forgive me I would understand. I have been a mess for a long time now and I don't know how much more time I'm going to be like this. I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what to say." I cried.
"You could just ask me how I am you know." He chuckled.
"How are you?" I asked calmly now.
"I'm good. Actually the doctor said it's not that serious. She said that I must've freaked out more than anything. And you know, you actually freaked me out too. You were pacing and looking around and..." he started laughing.
"I'm so sorry Nick. For everything." I said as I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
"Just so you know baby, I'm as much a mess as you are. That's if I'm not worse. So don't ever say something like me not forgiving you. Because I couldn't live without you."
"Nick James, I love you." I said afraid he wouldn't say it back. Afraid that for the first time I loved someone, he wouldn't want me back.
"Brook Hills, I love you." He said and leaned in towards me.
"Really?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah really." He laughed and bit his lip.
I leaned towards him closing the small distance that was separating us. When our lips slightly touched, I leaned back a bit. But he put his hand on my neck and pulled me towards him and he finally kissed me. After all this time, he kissed me. After all the mess I had made, he kissed me. After all the mistakes I had made, he still accepted me for me. He loved me for who I really was. And I loved him for who he was. The world seemed perfect for these few seconds.

A nurse came in and told Nick he could go home. So we stood up and left the white walls and grounds, the clean but horrible smell of hospitals behind us.

"Just so we're clear you're mine now." He smirked and intertwined our fingers while we were waiting for a cab.
"I'm happy to be." I smiled. "And you're mine." I raised an eyebrow.
"Of course baby girl." He smirked. Damn that smirk, it could make me melt.

When we got to his place, I showed him Joey's text and he sent him "Ok." He also told me that his parents weren't around for a few more days so he could rest and he wouldn't have to tell them anything. He made me promise not to tell my parents or anyone anything about what happened. He went upstairs and I helped him change so that he could sleep and rest for today. I'm going home now before someone wakes up and notices I wasn't home. And during the day I'll come see him again.

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