Chapter fifty-two

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•Brook's POV•

"Brook, wake up. We're going to the beach. Come on wake up." I woke up, this time for real, to Joey talking.

So does it mean it was a dream? But then what was real and what wasn't?

"Joey, what happened last night?"
"I thought you'd ask." He chuckled. "Well you got drunk. And since it was really hot you changed into your swimsuit. You were acting, let's say, strange so I gave you my T-shirt." He nodded towards what I was wearing, which was what he had just described. "After that you straddled me and started kissing my neck. I couldn't take it anymore so I carried you and put you next to me. And you directly fell asleep."
"Okay so nothing else happened..?" I said more to myself but he heard me.
"You sound disappointed. Did you want something to happen?" He frowned curiously.
"Of course not you dumb-ass. Thanks for taking care of me." I smiled when indeed I was disappointed.

"Go get ready, we're going to the beach." He smiled and offered me his hand to help me stand up, which I gladly accepted.
"Are you sure you can handle it though? Cuz', you know, I'll be wearing a swimsuit and it's gonna be hot." I said playfully and smirked.
"As long as you don't start kissing my neck and all I'll be fine. Don't worry." He smirked back
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. At least now I know how to turn him on.

I decided to wear my black and white polka dot bikini with ripped shorts and a cropped navy T-shirt (outfit is on top).

Once I was done, I went back to the living room, where Joey was leaning on the wall by the door.
"You ready?" He asked.
"I just texted Nick and told him he's out." He smiled.
"Good." I said coldly, grabbed a towel and stepped outside, he did the same, closing the door behind him.

I don't know why but since I had this weird dream about Joey I'm not feeling as comfortable around him as yesterday. Last night I nearly forgot he was in a gang, even worse, the gang leader himself. But today, especially since he talked about Nick, I can't get the idea that I'm in his gang now. I have to talk to Nick but I don't know what to say. I can't just tell him that I joined Joey's gang so he could leave.

"What's on your mind?" He asked as if he read my mind.
"Nothing. I'm just tired because YOU woke me up." I lied and tried to lighten the mood.
"I'm glad I woke you up. Look at this sight. Isn't it beautiful?" He asked and indeed it was. We arrived to the beach early so there wasn't much people. The sun was slowly rising and was now half above the sun, which was red-orange and the clouds around it were a pinkish reddish color.

"I'm gonna swim." I said as I removed my clothes and walked towards the water.

The clear blue water was mesmerizing and as my feet touched it, I felt my whole body warm up. I wanted to go further into the ocean. The moment felt so magical I had to share it with someone even if that someone wasn't the someone I wanted.

"Joey come on! The water is sooo warm!" I yelled as I noticed he was still standing by the shoreline.
He just smiled and walked towards me.

"The water is so amazing." I whispered to myself but he heard me.
"So are you." He whispered back and gave me a small soft smile.
I held his hand and a few seconds later, he intertwined our fingers.
"How old are you?" I asked realizing I didn't know his age.
"Nineteen." He answered contrarily to what I thought he would do. I thought he'd ask me why I asked that. "Don't worry I'm not too old for you." He winked.
"It's not the reason I asked." I chuckled and lightly hit his chest.
"Then what's the reason?" He said and put his other hand on my waist. The water was now on my neck's level and Joey's chest.
"I'm curious." I said but it came out as a whisper.
"I know that." He whispered back, smiled and inched towards me.
"So what's the problem then?" I was the one to inch towards him now.
"I never said there was a problem."
"Good." I smiled.
"Great." He grinned. Our voices were getting lower and lower, we could barely hear one another.
"Perfect." I grinned and his face was maybe half an inch away from my face.
"Awesome." He said.
"A-" he didn't let me finish my word, his lips were already on mine. Our lips moved in sync. Both his hands were now on my waist while my hands were holding his neck.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" He whispered after breaking the kiss.
"Shut up." I said and he leaned in. I decided to tease him so I splashed his face with water.
He let go of my waist and started chasing me. My legs couldn't reach for the bottom of the ocean anymore so I had to swim and I have to admit I'm not a fast swimmer so eventually he reached me and held my waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist and the moment was perfect... until he threw me in the water head first. Once I got to the surface he was laughing his ass off.

"Asshole." I mumbled and started swimming back to the shore.
"Princess I'm sorry." He said in my ear from behind me.
"I know." I mentally grinned.
He offered me his hand, which I gladly took, and when I was close to him I bit his shoulder.
"What the fuck Brook?!" He yelled.
"Revenge. Now we're even." I smiled devilishly and got out of the water.
"No we're not." He followed me, took my clothes before I reached for them, soaked them in the water and threw them at me.
"Princess, now we're even." He smirked.

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