The lady wrapped in an apron, smiled warmly at us when seated and asked what would we want to eat.

"Samyetang!" Namjoon and I said together and instantly looked at each other. (  Ginseng Korean chicken soup)

The lady smiled kindly at us both as we both looked away in awkwardness.

"I'll get some warm rice and side dishes too along with it" she said in her Jeju accent, sounding slightly out of tune to me. As she went into the kitchen, smiling at her husband at the counter.

"Soooo cute!" I whispered to myself as I looked at them and Namjoon snorted. I smacked his arm.

"Whats so funny?" I ask.

"That is how old you should be to get married. When you know that most of your life is done. You can then give all your time and energy to another person"  He said smiling before absent mindedly tapping away on his phone. I snatched it away from him.

"Do you even know what giving someone your time and energy is? It means you care for someone. Giving them things that you cannot get back, making time for them, taking all the efforts to make them feel happy. Do you know what care means? C-A-R-E?" I said sardonically.

"Yes, care is what a mother gives to her children. No other biological process beats that" he said blankly looking me straight in my eyes unmoved. Why was he so difficult? All my bottled up frustration that I had been holding in the entire evening seemed to be resurfacing.

"Can I have my phone back now please" he said as he placed his hand on mine

"Ah...Aniya! Its bad manners to use phones when you are sitting with other people. You may not be the kind to believe in manners and all but I am. I was supposed to enjoy the Jeju air by myself today but I have given you my time and energy. Respect that. Atleast PRETEND to respect that" I snapped at him towards the end. He just looked at me for a moment.

"Does that mean you C-A-R-E for me?" He asked, opening his eyes, mouth and palms wide and making a weird aegyo face which frankly made him look like child that you wouldn't be able to resist. Be strong Hyeri, HIM

"Hell no!! Dont make illogical assumptions like that" I said scrunching  me face in disbelief.

"But thats what you just said. Time and energy equals care, equals wanting to make someone happy. So the graph is directly proportional and then you stated you gave me your time and energy which fairly implies that you care for me and want to see me happy!" he stated in one breath smiling hard towards me. Damn he has a nice smile, dimples...

"Geez, everything in life is not a mathematical equation. You cannot equate different contexts. Just what kind of hypothesis is that" I was appalled by what he making me feel.

"Is that why you didnt tell Jisoo about that woman in my room last night? Because you care for me?" he asked and I felt like I was done for with this converstation.

"I do care, Namjoon. I care a lot. Not for you, but for Jisoo and Minah. I didnt want to ruin their moods by giving them that one piece of nonessential information when my problem got solved just by stating my concerns to Daniel who perfectly persuaded me saying that I didnt need to worry" I said trying  not to sound flustered.

"Okay then! I'll give your time and energy some consideration. I wont sleep with other women on this trip. Now that I see it, you even agreed to have dinner with me last night. You are pretty generous with your time" He said resting his chin on his palm.

"Ugh! Namjoon! Why should I care if you sleep with other women... Just do whatever you want, get off my case!" I said, clearly annoyed bitting slightly down on my bottom lip.

"I never said you cared if I slept with other women. I said you cared for me. So I would be considerate of it and use up that time to spend on you instead" he smiled again. There goes that dimple again.

"Look Namjoon...." just then the lady arrived at our table with our  food, the aroma of the steaming hot samyetang drifting my words away.

"Waaaa! You both look so good together. A man and woman have their share of bickering and fighting but it only makes bonds stronger. Dont be so harsh on him child" the lady said kindly at me while patting my curly hair softly.

"Eommonie... No its not like that...we.." I kicked Namjoon's leg under the table, he had already started digging into his chicken. He groaned and looked up to see the woman smiling at him.

"Nae nae eommonie. I completely agree with you and this samyetang is the best I have tasted so far... Isnt it Hyeri" he said. I was so frustrated, I was  mentally running a car over Namjoon. The lady chuckled and thanked him.

"He looks at you so lovingly. Treasure him. I will go get some side dishes now" the lady told me and left.
I smiled widely until she disappeared behind the curtains into the kitchen.

"Namjoon.... Namjoon....Namjoon!"I smacked his thigh under the table the third time. He looked up startled.

"Did you hear what she said? She thinks you and I are a couple. Did you just have to nod at her like that without even knowing what she was talking about?" I panicked a bit.

"Really? What did she say?" he asked now that I got his attention.

"She said couples usually bicker like you and I were arguing a while back and ...that it was what made bonds stronger" I said in one breath.

"Oh no, couples.dont bicker. They have wars. Trust me I have been there" he said knowingly.

"Couples do not always have wars! Look at them, they are so in love even now" I said.

"That is what we see... You dont know what happens when they are alone do you?" he said "And big deal! Once we are back at Seoul we live our lives and they live theirs, its not a problem if they think we are a couple" he said nonchalantly.

"But that is deceiving". I mumbled

He stuffed his mouth with more chicken and taking a huge proportion in his chopsticks, held my  jaw and stuffed it inside my mouth too. Just then the lady came back with the sides and smiled at us both knowingly. Omo! I couldnt even say anything now that my mouth was full of food.

"Aigooooo, I pray that you both live a long life together like this" she said and  Namjoon smiled wide at her with his puffed up food face.

I loved how sweet the lady was but there was some serious misunderstanding here. The food was so good that I wanted to come back again but there would be questions and I did not want to see disappointment on her kind face. So upsetting I thought and glared at Namjoon who didnt care about anything except that chicken in his bowl.


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