Just then my phone beeped with a text. Namjoon!

N: Up yet? Breakfast together?

I threw my phone at the couch and flopped back on I bed.

"Arrghhh....this guy! What is his problem? Why wouldnt he leave me alone" I screamed into a pillow in frustration.I decided not to respond to his text.

I wrapped a towel around myself and walked to the door. They had left a newspaper outside yesterday, wondered if one was here today as well. I opened the door. Empty rug. No newspaper. I shrugged and walked back in immediately getting in the washroom to take a bath.

"BUBBLE BATH DAY" I screamed and started filling the tub with water and added the slimy bubble liquid. While the bubbles started rising in the tub I unwrapped the towel and looked into the mirror, checking myself out, striking those Victoria's Secret models kind of poses. I continued to brag about my body. What's a little self esteem to hurt anybody?

"I could be a VS model too" I laughed a bit as i noticed the bubbles dangerously floating at the brim of the tub. I quickly took a happy bath, singing my lungs out, scrubbing while dancing in the tub. Early morning bubble baths are the best.

I scrambled out of the tub and patted dry as I watched the water drain down. I waited until it was fully drained and spray cleaned it.

I didnt take clothes inside, forgetful me not thinking about what happened last time with Namjoon. I walked out of the washroom rubbing the towel all over my head to dry the water out as much as possible, as I stepped into the bedroom and let out a loud scream pulling the towel off my head and trying to cover whatever I could manage.

"AAAAAAAA NAMJOOON WHAT THE ACTUALY FUCK" he was frozen on the spot for a second and then he jumped onto the bed pulling all my pillows over his head.

"WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HERE. WHY...JUST...ARRRGHHHH GET OUT" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"If I get up now, I might see more than your liking" I heard his muffled voice from somewhere under the pillows.


"You didnt reply to my texts. You were so zoned out last night after you nearly got hit by that car. I thought you died in your dreams in shock so I came to get rid of your dead body" he said.

Yes how funny. I was fuming, struggled with my towel and finally wrapped it around my body. Why the hell was he always around at times when I was like this. I was even more angry at myself for being so careless and forgetful. Thank God it was just Namjoon, what if it was someone else? WAIT!! did I just say THANK GOD IT WAS JUST NAMJOON? Agg WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.

"J-Just stay like that, dont move until I t-tell you to" said trying to regain composer. I hurried to the cupboard pulling out whatever was found on the top. Shorts and tshirt. Cool. I struggled to put it over yourself, my hands were shaking with embarassment. My face was heating up, he has seen me completely naked now.

"Namjoon How much did you see?" I asked pulling up my shorts.

"I only saw your face. The rest became an automatic blur because you screamed like a pterodactyl that numbed half my senses"

"Dont lie" i pursed my lips

"I grabbed your butt and made you squirm like a bunny being poked with one squeeze. Do you think Im scared of you to lie?"

There! He said something hateful again. Just what was this guy. He confused me to the depths of my own rationality.

"Im dressed" I hissed, moving over to the dresser to dry my hair some more. He flipped over on my bed and gasped for air.

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