The dance moves that had imprinted themselves onto my muscles made me move as gracefully as ever, my face had an ever so beautiful smile plastered across it, even though my mind was in such a chaos now. But he had said something about not sleeping with other women on this trip! Oh God! I was such a mess, I was seeking solace in the fact that he said he wouldnt be f*cking anybody else on this trip, but what about when we were back in Seoul!?

I was just overthinking, it hadnt mattered to me then and it shouldnt matter now. But I really, really, really couldnt help it. Jisoo and Minah were totally lost in each other dancing right in the middle of the hall so they wouldnt have to change partners, where else could he be if not with them.

I felt so anxious

"You dont seem to be enjoying my company" said the man who I was dancing with right now.

"No! No no no, I mean its not like that" I said snapping out of my thoughts. I just realized that I had been dancing with this guy for too long, I should have changed about three partners by now but  I was so lost in thought that I didnt notice it until now.

"Its a relief then. I almost felt disappointed. You are single, arent you?" he asked. The trending question of the day! Yey!

"Ohh, no. Sorry! I am taken" I said very calmly. " very taken"

"Why do I get the feeling that you are lying?" he asked looking at me sharply in the eye. I blinked hard, the smile on my face dropped. I looked at him sternly as I waltzed around the room with him.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean... taken women dont really have so much color in their cheeks, neither do their men allow them to dance around with other men like this. You should have been dancing in the middle there, where most young couples are" he said, moving his face closer to mine, I moved back in alarm but maintained my composure.

"Im sorry if you get that impression! I am definitely not single. I am..."

"Im sorry for interrupting sir! But you have been dancing with this beautiful lady for quite some time. I would like to steal her now!" We both looked to the side , startled. There he was! His dimpled smile made my heart flutter. Damn Minah! This alien feelings were bugging me, all thanks to her.

"Who the f*uck are you?" this man said, his arms tightening around my waist, pulling me to him. I gasped, shocked at his audacity. Namjoon coldly placed one hand on the man's shoulder, smiling coldly as he hardened his fingers over it making him wince, he caught my right elbow with another, pulling me away from him.

"Sorry to disturb once again but you may find another partner. My wife is going to dance with me now" he said, his smile never leaving his face.

"W-wife...?" the man said, looking from Namjoon to me. I nodded in agreement and the man scuttled away. I watched him disappear into the crowd and then looked at Namjoon who was studying me, as if trying to comprehend if he had done the right thing or if i was enjoying dancing with that man. I didnt say anything, making it super awkward between the two of us.


" tell me how this thing is done" he said as he took both my hands, placed them on his shoulder and then pulled me to him gently by my waist.

" really cant dance?" I asked him.

"You thought I lied?" he asked exasperated. "Gosh! You think like that of me!? You really hate me, don't you? Okay! dont answer. Just teach me how to dance right now before I get pissed" he said not meeting my eyes.

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