"What? Why?" I asked.

"I missed you!" He said  looking down, after few moments of silence.

I stared at him astounded, the whole room felt so overwhelmingly quiet all of a sudden because I could hear my heartbeat beating violently against my chest. I smiled slightly at his answer.

"Missed me after a whole day out with me?" I asked cockily. Look who was talking? I was here because i missed him too.

"The car still kind of has your lingering fragrance" he said still not looking up. I smiled wider, I was in love with how he smelt too, I was just  doing the same with his jacket before he came into the room.

I knew I was blushing hard but I straightened my smile before speaking again.

"I dont think its weird at all.... its cute" I said and he looked up frowning.

"I am a grown man and the only adjective in the form of a compliment, that you have given me so far is 'cute'?" He asked, his poker face back on. I grinned and pulled his cheeks. Omonaaa

"Cute!" I teased.

"Ya...! I take complete offence" He said standing up and throwing the pillow back on the bed as I laughed hard clutching my sides. He sat back down again and stared at me. I hid my mouth behind the pillow as I tried to stop laughing while he waited staring at me.

When I finally could stop laughing, I looked at him flustered by how he just kept staring at me.

"S-Sorry.." I said still smiling. He took my hands into his.

"Stay the night" He said, looking straight in my eyes, giving my a heart attack. I only looked at him for a few heart racing moments, his eyes fixed on me, I was kind of waiting to see if he changed his statement but he didnt, he was waiting for what I would say to that instead.

"But Minah..,"

"Minah has been with Jisoo all these days and starting tomorrow she will hold an official and equal claim over his bedroom. One day wouldnt hurt. Please! I promise not to touch you in ways that would make you uncomfortable" He said.

As if anyway he touched me would be uncomfortable. I would like it. In fact, I would like it too much, too much for my own good...

"I thought you only needed company to eat" I said, running my hand across his forehead to move his bangs away from his eyes.

"You are slowly changing things in me! Besides, you didnt even sit with me at the dining table earlier, so its only fair asking you to spend the night here" He said.

I smiled at him, him and his weird ideas about what was fair and what wasnt.

I shifted up on the bed, placing my pillow at the foot of the headboard and lied down on my side. I placed the other pillow that he threw, in its place and tapped at it, gesturing for him to lay there too. He crawled up and laid on his side facing me.

I couldnt stop smiling. I reached for his face and ran my finger over his  dimple. He caught hold of my hand and touched his nose to my palm.

He inhaled deeply and then began leaving butterfly kisses on my palm, my fingers, my knuckles, and all over my hand. I stretched my hand out and playfully slapped his cheek very lightly. He pouted looking at me and I giggled softly as I touched the corners of his lips and squeezed, accentuating his pout.

I moved forward and pecked his pouted lips a few times and then looked him in the eyes, still smiling at him.

"More..." he whispered pleading.

The Best Man || K.NJ ✔Where stories live. Discover now